Kony 2012

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I'm sure a lot of you have heard about Kony 2012.

It is awful what people in this world do.

We can help! We can help the world become a better place! And one of the best ways to start is by knocking off the MOST WATED man in the world,

Joseph Kony

I am doing this to make you all aware!

We need to make Joesph famous!

The Invisible Children are what is making this happen, and so is people power, we have to get the Whole Wide World to know what this aweful man is doing. Young girls turned into sex slaves. Young boy made into soliders, rebels, to kill just for Kony to feel powerful.

We have to get him to stop. We have to find him and kill him. Do whatever we can to stop him.

On April 20th, we are going to try and reach the goal of filling every space with Kony poster to make it known, to allow people to have to knowladge of what this aweful man is doing to children.

We can donate.

Put posters up.

We can do everything we can.

We Must Stop Him!

In the external link I have put the link to InvisbleChildren.com. The video of everything is on that site.

You can learn about everything there.

Please help.

Share this to everyone.

Put it on facebook/twitter/tumbr. where ever if you have not already done so.

I beg you, everyone! Help the kids.

Kony 2012Where stories live. Discover now