It's a girl thing

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my bestfriend Caleb practically yelled in class. It immediately got quiet and everyone turned there head to stare at me. "Thanks Cal now the whole school knows" I said under my breath. I can't believe he really just said that out loud. I had earlier just told him not to tell anyone.

"Actually just the whole class knows" he corrected me. I rolled my eyes at him,

"yeah but soon the whole school will know." I grumbled. They already thought I was a slut, and I don't even know where they got that idea. All because Caleb is my bestfriend and they think me and him are having sex, but that would never happen in a million years. 

"Sorry jess, hey least now you don't have to keep pretending you arn't" Omg. Really! I just smiled at him. ha he was so going to hear this when I get home. Caleb is my next door neighbor also. Cal gave me his innocent smile, the one he always gives me when he knows he's in trouble. Class was just about to start so I grabbed a pencil out of my binder. Cal looked over at me.

"Oh hey jess can I have a.." He trailed off as I already handed him an extra pencil. "haha thanks, your a lifesavor." I only knew what he wanted because.. well because I know Cal. He is an open book to me. He is like the brother I never had, only not in a good way sometimes. Today was friday so that meant Cal would be staying the weekend with me like he always does.

"Hey did you see my new neighbors yet?" Cal asked me with a smirk on his face. I shook my head, as I had no clue what he was talking about. But since he said His new neighbors that meant that they must have moved into the house on his right since I was the house on his left. "Oh, well, me either ha but my mom told me that their daughter is going to school here, so we might just make a new friend."

I doubted that since not many people that went to our school, liked me and Cal. It wasn't that we wern't nice, it's just because they think we are weird.. and nobody likes weird.

"Class! listen up  we have a new student, her name is Larken mcwally" Everyone's attention dirrected at the front of the room where the new student was standing. She had long black hair and she wore a pink skirt and white tanktop with a black little vest covering it. Her eyes were an intense green color and her dark mascara brung them out. She was Beautiful and I found myself blushing. I turned my head away. What was wrong with me! I'm a girl and she is a girl so what are these weird feelings.. No, I'm not attracted to her, it must be something else.  "Just go sit in the back" the teacher said while waving his hands as if to say shoo shoo. The only empty seat was right beside me. . This was just great.  I looked over at Cal who was smiling. He probably thought she was hot or something. I watched her intensely as she slowly made her way to the back and sat beside me.

"Hey" she said with a smile. I looked around, as if I thought she was talking to someone else.. oh great its just me.

"hi" I say. Okay Jess snap out of this! I yelled at myself. Okay. Heres my plan. I'm going to be nice to her and see if maybe she wants to be bestfriends with me and then prove that I'm not attracted to her. I take a deep breath and then turn to her.

"So me and Cal realized that your his new neighbor" I said with a smile. I've never been nervous around anyone before, but for some reason I was really nervous right now. What if she doesn't like me or want to be my friend..

"Oh yeah haha, we just moved here" she smiled. I blushed. Man! I have gotta get a hold of myself. I looked over at Cal who was smiling at me. What was his deal I wondered.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out with me and Cal you know since your knew here and all.. we could show you around." I gave a nervous laugh. She just nodded her head and then took out a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote something down and handed it to me.

"It's my number, just give me a call when you want me to come over and I'll be there.. You guys seem pretty cool." I smiled up at her and then turned my head towards the front of the class so I could pay attention to the teacher even though I wasn't even listening to anything he had to say. I felt my phone vibrate so I took it out of my pocket.

From: Caleb


Message: OMG you were totally crushing on her!

I glanced over at him and rolled my eyes. I stuck my phone back in my pocket And tried my best to focus and concentrate on what the teacher was saying. All attempts failed. What a bummer. Oh well.. 

When the bell wrung for lunch I gathered my stuff and stood up. "You know I'm right" Cal said in his cocky voice. I shook my head at him.

"Your wrong so shut up!" I yelled. I didn't mean to, I was just really mad because he was right. Why did he always have to be right about everything. Cal jut laughed it off, like he always does when I get mad at him, which makes me even more mad at him.  We walked to the Cafeteria, grabbed our food and found a table outside.

"Hey you mind if I sit with you guys?" Larken asked us. I shook my head as in no I didn't mind at all. She smiled and sat her trey down.

"Jess doesn't mind at all" Cal said with a smile. I kicked him under the table.

"Hurtful" Cal said loudly. Larken looked at us all confused. I shrugged my shoulders, pretending like I didn't know what he was talking about. She laughed. 

"Are you two dating?" she asked. 

"NO" Cal said

"NEVER" I said more forcefully. 

"Sorry I thought I would ask." she said.

"It's all good, everyone asks us that."

Larken finshed her sandwhich and got up to throw her trey away "alright I guess I'll see you guys this weekend." she put her hands up to her ear in the CALL ME sign language type of deal. I was kind of excited about this weekend, but mostly just nervous. UGH. And I thought I was normal before!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2012 ⏰

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