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"Dad, I hate you! Go and die!"

"Did you know he killed your mother?"

"I'm the cause of all your sickness..."

"Kill him...and I'll leave you GeneCo!"

"I am not a murderer!"

"Remember my mistakes, remember you can change, remember that I love you!"

"When I'm gone...GeneCo will crumble..."

"Shi, your mother's calling me..."

"I didn't know I'd love you so much..."

"We will always have each other in our time of need..."

"Shilo, you're the world to me..."

"Free at last..."

Light. Everywhere cameras flashed, people swarming her in their dark and outrageous clothing. It seemed so out of line to Shilo. What had happened back there...what she'd heard, what she'd seen...what she'd lost...light was the last thing she wanted to see. But there it was anyway. All that existed, focused on her. Who would've known how soon her wish for darkness would be granted?

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