Open your story

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Create a first chapter that will hook the readers from the start. There are countless stories on Wattpad that they could be reading instead of your stuff so anchor them to your story from Paragraph 1. 

Don't do what I did in in my first fic. That was a weak start and I regret it at times. This is it;

In the past four years figure skating has become the favorite form of entertainment for vampires. They love the cold, and they love beauty; the two things that figure skating embodies. It's a good thing that is the sport I decided to pick up.

It's all thanks to Victor Nikiforov really.

This could have been worse but It could have been a lot better. 

Here are some methods for an opening and examples;

Here are some methods for an opening and examples;

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1. In the middle of an action- by this I mean starting in the middle of a heated event. For example;

I can't stop running, not if I want to live.

He's catching up, every centimetre of distance that closes between us makes my chances of coming out alive smaller.

I shouldn't have come here.

Openings like this are brilliant because they get the reader asking questions such as; who is chasing the person?  Who is the person? Where are they? Why does this man want to kill the narrator? Will they make it out alive? Since humans are curious it's likely that the reader will stay and watch the story unravel.

Openings like this are brilliant because they get the reader asking questions such as; who is chasing the person?  Who is the person? Where are they? Why does this man want to kill the narrator? Will they make it out alive? Since humans are curiou...

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2. Description- essencially describing the concept of the story or an environment. Eg;

The day the Gate Keeper was killed the scale of peace broke. Everybody is a murderer now.

Me? I've killed 7. I'm one of the good people. Although I didn't kill those people for any good reasons. My first victim was the local butcher; he thought he could sell me a little girls leg saying it was a turkey leg. I know better. Humans taste very different to Turkey.

Alright this extreme but you get the gist. When writing an alternate universe it may be a good idea to describe the strange situation in this way; this also brings questions to the table such as who is the gate keeper? Why is everyone a murderer? Why does the MC know what human taste like?  Ect.


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3. Introduction- Introduce your character in an inventive way. This probably works best for fanfiction.  Let's use Yuri Katsuki as an example (aren't I predictable);

Hi! I'm Yuri Katsuki. I'm honestly the most sad and irrelivent person to ever exist. The only thing about me that may perk your interest is that I have an addiction.

I'm a sex addict.

This is pretty good for a smut story acctually... Anyway, I recomend to do this only if your character has a trait that can grab readers (like a sex addiction).


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4. Conversation - beggin your story with a quote. A character speaking to a person/people. Some things you can consider doing is starting with a speech or an argument. For example;

"You killed her didn't you!?"

"What are You talking about?"  She stares at me in confusion as If she hadn't just killed my ex girlfriend

"You killed her! Why!? What has she done to you!?"

"I can't share you"

I couldn't really think of a good example but this conversation could easily have you reading more. I recommend this for people (like me) who are stronger with dialogue than monologue or description. I know they say you should practice what you aren't good at but for the intro you want to play it safe. Do what you know you can do so you do it well.

Good luck!

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