chapter 1

339 16 3

(The girl with no name)

No name}

I'm a nobody

I'm the quiet one

I'm the dumb one

I'm the non talker

The slow one
The crazy one
The killer
I'm all of these things

But the one I'm mainly known for
Is the girl with know name

I've been known for that my whole life no one actually no my name and they never took the time to give me one

What's the point in having one I don't really want one but at the same time I kinda want to know the feeling to have one

I don't have a name like normal kids but that's not the only thing

A lot of kids aren't born in a hospital

Like me

I was born and put in a trash can

I was taken to a hospital after being found

I was a premature baby
I was born 3 months to early I have no birth certificate but I do have a birthday but its not like I celebrate it

Ppl think I'm really crazy or just plain out stupid

I'm not stupid but there are things I just can't do and others I choose not to

But talking I honestly can't do I never have & probably never will

I mean its not like I would have someone to talk to
But now at this very moment I'm sitting in this uncomfortable ass chair with stranger's sitting in front of me


Honestly I'm getting tired of the same thing happening

Sitting in this same chair
Getting wood stuck in my ass
Going to a different foster parent
Going to there unstable ass home with bad ass kids un-taken care of
Getting either beat or raped for either my sexuality or not talking or something they bad ass kids did
I just got back n they still trying to get rid of me
Still sore with black and blue bruises every where

"You ready to go home with the Johnson family"
I just sat there very uncomfortable this is a really uncomfortable seat why do they have these thing where they got these things from fr

"Are you"
She gave me the same smile she always does
Honestly she is a really nice lady
She's always happy...idk why with the bad ass kids she got to deal with

She let out a light sigh

"Well go pack your things"

I just sat there

I don't have much to pack

&I had my backpack next to me with every thing in it so what else im ma pack

My soul
My happiness
Impossible I never had the shxt

They all looked at me
"Well you ready to go meet your new home"Mrs.Johnson said

Still just sitting here silent

"Okay let's go"

I got up walked & walked out that crusty ass door...again

We got in the car

And was on our way

Eventually we got to their house I have to admit it looks better than the others

the girl with no nameWhere stories live. Discover now