Chapter One

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There he was staring at her so intently. She hated how he could draw her in with those chocolate brown eyes. She knew she shouldn't be attached to him so much, due to his girlfriend or fiancé or whatever she was, but it was THE Synyster Gates.

He suddenly came up to her, holding his hand out. "Hey I'm Synyster Gates. What's your name?" She couldn't speak. Her favorite guitar player was actually speaking to her. She stared into his eyes and got lost in them. She swallowed hard.

She mumbled her name, blushing. "My name is Audrey..." She stumbled on her words. She took a deep breath, knowing he might have not heard her or understood her very well, and tried again. "Hi Brian. My name is Audrey. Audrey Jones." She smiled until her cheeks hurt. She was on the tour bus at the best concert, meeting her favorite band, meeting her favorite guitar player. She had admired him for many years. When she found the opportunity to meet him, she took it, regardless of the price.

"It's nice to meet you, Audrey. A lot of people address me by my stage name, but it's cool that you don't." He said calmly, smiling. She felt goose bumps popping up on her tanned arms. "Can I take a picture with you?" He asked, raking his hair back.

"S-s-sure." She stuttered out, handing Brian her camera. Brian stood at 5'10" compared to Audrey's 5'4" self. Brian, being a perfectionist, wanted to get an amazing picture. Audrey was so energetic, it was hard to contain herself. He smiled.

"Yo Johnny. Come here for a second." Brian said motioning a 5'6" tall guy with a tall blonde Mohawk over.

"What's up man?" Johnny smiled. Anyone who knew the band, knew Johnny was a huge flirt. Only he knew what he was thinking, sometimes. There would be times where even he had no idea what was going on in his mind. "Who is this fine lady? Isn't she too short for you Gates?" He said talking about Audrey, as Brian handed him a phone and camera.

"I need you to take a picture for us. Make it look good. I'm watching you, Christ." Brian told Johnny while pointing a finger. Brian hoisted Audrey on to the small counter behind her. She was next to their sink. "And this fine lady is, one probably too old for you, and two her name is Audrey. She was the only one who got tickets to meet us, because everyone else didn't want to see all of this." Brian said lifting his shirt up to reveal his skinny, abless body. He was strong, he just drank too many beers to have abs. "Now hurry and take the damn pictures so I can have my phone back." He said, dropping his shirt back down and slithering an arm around Audrey's waist, pulling her close. She was nervous but still smiled strong. Brian shined his pearly whites. There was a flash and a click. "And she's not short."

"Alright looks good." Johnny said ignoring Brian's comment. He handed Brian the phone and camera back. Audrey hopped off the counter and flattened her shirt. It was the Taste of Chaos tour. She received special privileges for the entire concert. She could go backstage at any time and she got to hang out with the band before, during, and after the show.

"Don't worry, I'm not into bassists. I like guitar players more." Audrey said smiling.

She smiled thinking back to that night. That was a few years ago. Ever since, Brian and Audrey have been best friends. They told each other everything. They were there for each other like brother and sister, including when Jimmy passed. Jimmy and Brian were like brothers, so losing him was harder on Brian than it was for the rest of the band. During the tour, Audrey had the chance to meet and get to know Jimmy a little more before his passing. Jimmy told Brian that he loved Audrey from the day he met her.

Lately, Brian has been dating Michelle DiBenedetto, Matt's girlfriend's twin. Ever since she came into the picture, it hasn't been the same. He would put off their lunches and she would tell him he couldn't go. Audrey had even invited her to come to lunch a couple times and she would always make some excuse not to be there. "Hey so how was your last concert?" Audrey said on the phone with Brian.

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