Chapter Eighteen - The Ball (EDITED)

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"I'm caught in a riptide.

Trying to survive.

Trying to fight against the pain.

And the waves rise up around me.

The storm grows worse and worse.

How can I go on now that

you have gone away?" 

-From "Riptide," Originally performed by Kyle King.


           After a shower and a sandwich, I curled up on my bed and stared blankly at my cell phone. Finally, I surfed through my contacts and clicked on my mom’s cell number.

            “Honey?” Her voice sounded worried, more worried than I’d ever heard it before.

            “Momma.” I sobbed, as the mere sound of her voice brought back all of my frustration, all of the hurt and the pain.

            “It’s okay, baby, your grandpa told me everything. I’m so glad you called; I’ve been worrying about you but I didn’t know whether or not you would want to talk.”

            “Momma, he’s gone.” I sobbed. “He’s gone and I don’t know what to do.”

            “Emma, you are going to get through this. You’ve only got a day and a half more left down there and then you’ll be home.”

            “I don’t know if I can stay any longer.” I sniffed. “Everything reminds me of him, and Gramma gets weaker every day. She can hardly stand up any longer. How is she going to get to the spring fling, never mind dance! Maybe I should have just stayed home.“

            “Honey, you went to Florida to spend time with your grandparents and I know that all of your crazy escapades have amused them immensely. Your Gramma told me on the phone the other day just how much this visit has meant, how lovely you are, how much she likes Eric. She was ecstatic about the dance, so excited to dress up for your grandfather one last time. Trust me, this visit was not a waste.”

            “You really think so?” I asked, trying to breathe normally. “I just feel so—alone.”

            “You’re never alone, Honey.” Mom soothed. “Your father and I are always here for you and your grandfather would lay down his life to protect you. Most of all, your Heavenly Father is always with you.”

            I nodded slowly. “Thanks, Mom. I needed to hear that.”

            “You’ve got it, Sugar.” I could hear the smile in her voice. “Now go take a nap, I can tell when you’re tired.”

            “Yes, Momma.” I smiled.

            “And Emma?” she continued.


            “Don’t give up on Eric. It’s obvious he cares a lot about you,” she counseled.

            “I won’t.” I vowed.

            “That’s my girl.” Mom replied.

            After I had hung up, I snuggled up under my blankets and closed my eyes. Mom was right. I would get through this. I would make the dance as special as I could for my grandparents.

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