You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift)-Ginny To Harry

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Ginny: Harry, I've got to tell you something.

Harry: Sure, Ginny.

Ginny: You're on the phone, with your girlfriend-she's upset.

Harry: Are you upset. You're my girlfriend, Ginny, you know that.

Ginny: She's going on about something that you said.

Harry: What did I say, Ginny?

Ginny: 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do.

Harry: ...

Ginny: I'm in my room, it's a typical Tuesday night.

Harry: It's Friday.

Ginny: I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like.

Harry: Who's 'she', Ginny?

Ginny: And she will never get your story like I do.

Harry: I understand you know me well, Ginny. You're perfect for me.

Ginny: She wears short skirts.

Harry: Who!?

Ginny: I wear T-shirts.

Harry: I know.

Ginny: She's cheer captain and I'm in the bleachers!

Harry: What? Ginny, you're a Quidditch player, you don't watch.

Ginny: Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for, has been here the whole time.

Harry: Horcruxes?

Ginny: If you could see that I'm the one who understands you.

Harry: I can see, Ginny. You know me better than I do.

Ginny: Been here all along.

Harry: Yes, you have been.

Ginny: So why can't you see-you belong with me.

Harry: I can see that, Ginny. You belong with me, I belong with you, we belong together.

Ginny: You belong with me!

Harry: Yes, Ginny. I really really love you.

Ginny: Aww, Harry, I love you, too! There's just one problem...

Harry: What is it?

Ginny: That was just a lyric prank.

30 minutes later.

Harry: Are you serious?

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