Chapter 1

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"Look who finally made it," Grayson smirked.

I rolled my eyes and replied,"Not my fault your flight was shorter."

Grayson engulfed me in a bear hug.

"It's been awhile, Webster."

"Same to you, Tripp!"

"The car is waiting for us outside. Let's go get your bags and head out to the farm." He said.

Grayson hadn't changed one bit, since I had seen him last. His smile was still crooked, his hair still dirty blonde, and his same brown eyes. Although his build was now more muscular than it had been. He was still the same old Grayson.

I nodded.

We walked to the baggage claim and waited for my bag to come around. I still couldn't believe that I had been selected to intern at Ridge Farms. It was a dream come true. It was even harder to believe that both Grayson and I were selected as an interns. He had been one of my closet friends when we were still on the show circuit. But after our last show together, we never seemed to cross paths. We were from different states and went to different colleges. This was the first we were seeing of each other in almost 4 years.

We walked out to the car which Randy, the farm owner, had arranged for us.
The driver took our luggage and put it in the back.

Once we were in the car, Grayson whispered, "You know, I still can't believe it."

"Believe what?" I whispered back. "That you are in a car with THE JAMIE WEBSTER."

He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"You still haven't lost your sense of humor, have you," he chucked. "I can't believe that we are Ridge Farm Interns."

I nodded in agreement. "I can't believe it either. We are definitely in for one hell of a summer."

The rest of the way to Ridge Farm, we talked about what we had been up to for the last three years.

We were both soon to be college seniors. I was a studying Biotechnology and Genetics Purdue University and he was studying Animal Science at Texas A&M. It was crazy how much we changed in four years but yet we really didn't change. Our friendship hadn't changed. It was like we hadn't talked in four days instead of four years.

We finally arrived at Ridge Farms, where Randy greeted us at the main house.

Randy was a tall person. He had to be at least 6'4 and appeared to be in his mid-fifties. I was almost intimated by him. Randy Ridge could make or break your future depending on how well this internship went. The words of Randy Ridge somehow traveled to every employer that his interns applied for. If you were successful intern a glowing recommendation was at the end of this internship. But if your internship was not successful, the words of Randy Ridge could haunt you at every employment opportunity you applied for. There was a lot riding on this internship.

Grayson and I both got out the car. Randy greeted us each with a firm handshake.

"Good afternoon Grayson and Jamie. Welcome to Ridge Farms. This will be your home for the summer and don't forget you will also be here for two weeks during sale season in April," Randy said.

"We are glad to be here," Grayson said.

"I am excited for the opportunity," I added with a smile.

"Well, let me show you around the place," Randy said.

He first showed us the bunkhouse where Grayson and I would be staying for the summer. The bunkhouse was a two story log cabin with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It had a very rustic feel. The cabin would be a great home for the summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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