It's what's on the inside that counts- Part 1

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‘It’s what’s on the inside that counts…’

     A gurgling cauldron was bubbling quietly in the dark, dreary room filled with jars of preserved organs, insects and small mammals. Severus Snape was sitting at his desk, waiting for the currently white potion to turn into the clear, translucent colour of Veritaserum. The night before, Dumbledore requested that Snape make some incase he needed it throughout the year. Snape did not question the headmaster at the time but as he sat watching the potion simmer, he wondered why Dumbledore would need Veritaserum when his skills at Legilimency were more than sufficient to obtain the truth from any unsuspecting victim. Perhaps there was information he needed from someone? Something important…

    Snape’s train of thought was broken when a silver phoenix flew into the room and spoke: “Severus, come to my office immediately. Password is ‘chocolate frog’”. The phoenix disappeared as Snape leapt off his chair and hurried out of his office. Snape did not know why he was running so fast; his heart was pounding against his chest, beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. Somehow, he knew something was wrong. Thankfully it was still the summer break, no annoying children to avoid.

      Snape halted in front of the gargoyle and panted “chocolate frog”. The griffin jumped aside as Snape ascended the stairs. Without even knocking, Snape pushed open the door and stopped dead at the sight that greeted him. An old wizard was slumped in his chair, his silvery white beard tangled among his robes, his eyes closed, chest heaving deep, rattling breaths. Without speaking, Snape ran forward examining the headmaster, staring avidly at the dead looking hand, withered and black. Having read about the powerful, deadly curse several times, Snape began to mumble incantations under his breath, his wand in hand. After a few minutes, a beam of blue light exited Snape’s wand; he knew the counter curse had worked… for now. Conjuring a cauldron out of thin air, Snape summoned several carefully selected herbs and potions ingredients from his stores and began concocting a golden potion that he tipped down the wizard’s throat an hour later. As the old man swallowed the potion, Snape looked up from his cauldron and saw a pair of bright, blue eyes watching him, a smile of thanks clear upon his lined face.

“Thank you, Severus. I cannot begin to fathom what I would do without you.”

Dumbledore whispered, clearly shaken by his injury. Snape stared into Dumbledore’s eyes.

“What happened? That curse is one of the most deadly; it would have killed you had I not arrived in time!” Snape was clearly agitated.

“I was a foolish man, Severus,” replied Dumbledore pointing at the gold ring sitting innocently on his desk, the Sword of Gryffindor lying beside it. Snape hadn’t noticed the objects before, but stared at them now, confused.

“Did the ring contain the curse?” Snape asked slowly, not taking his eyes off the ring.

“Yes, but I-”

“Did you wear it?” Snape’s head snapped around to look at Dumbledore; his anger was rising.

“Yes, however-”

“And you knew it would likely have a powerful, deadly curse upon it?”

“Yes, Severus and I-”

“Do you realise that you only have about a year to live?” Snape asked aggressively; livid that Dumbledore could have been so senseless.

“Severus, please calm down and listen to me.” Snape continued to stare at the man but remained silent.

“I do understand that the consequences of my actions are severe, Severus. As I have said, it was my foolishness and lack of rationality that tempted me to wear the ring. However,” Dumbledore looked into Snape’s still furious face, “what’s done is done and besides, there are more important things to consider at present.”

In honour of Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now