One shot part 1

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----------Harry's POV------------

At Kings Station and thinking about how glad I'm going back to finish schooling before becoming an aurora. Catching sight of a platinum blonde...his hair falling perfectly. His eyes making you feel like you are in a dark ocean! Man he's so drop dead gorgeous. If you haven't noticed I'm gay and the only people who know are Ron and 'Mione. I wouldn't let a lot of people know because 1.I'm part if the precious 'Golden Trio' biggest enemy is my crush 3. I would be frowned upon.

"Harry,harry,HARRY!!" Ms. Weasley shouted. the trains about to leave and she is trying to give us all a the last one..

"Sorry Ms. Weasley I zoned out,"i said rubbing the back of my neck kinda nervous.

"O it's okay, and Harry call me Molly please!! I thought I'd get it in your thick skull by know!" Molly laughed and gave me her bone crushing hug. right when she pulled away it was time for me to get on the train or else I was not going to Hogwarts....

--------------train ride---------------

Ron pulled us into the empty compartment because it was the only empty one left. Sitting down I looked out at the beautiful view you get, while Ron pulled 'Mione close to him. she still blushes like no other when he does things like that. They are so cute together... I hope I find someone like that soon. Soon they started snogging I just rolled my eyes. I think they like to rub it in. Would you blame them I mean they are together while one of there best friends is gay and single. After about 5 minutes they stopped an started talking about 'Mione getting head girl. Ron is kinda mad that Draco got head boy. we all know he's smart and deserves that. Plus if the professors think he changed he probably did... OOOOOOO YAY ME that means if he turns out to be gay I might actually have a chance!!!! Right when I had the biggest smile on my face because of him he walked in... I just turned away and blushed.

"Hello Ron, Hermione, and Harry nice to see you all back," he smile softly and blushed after looking at me. " Hermione we are needed for a head perfect meeting I was told to come get you." He told her so she got up kissed Ron and said see you both at the castle.

"O you so like Draco!!!!" Ron chanted after everyone was out of ear shot.

"I do not!!!!" I yelled back furrowing my nose grr my give away.

"Yes you do you furrowed your nose your so lieing!! But don't worry Harry I think he likes you to because after he looked at you he blushed like you did!" Ron said happily being able to make fun of me.

"Whatever Ron I highly doubt that Draco Malfoy is gay and likes me... Why would he i mean 1.we are enemies 2.he's probably not gay 3.even if he was he still wouldn't like me I'm Harry Potter the one he's hated for 6 years almost 7." I say more shyly.

"Why would he like you?!?!?!? because Harry you're an amazing person a great friend helped him even though he was your enemy!! Harry there's a million reasons for any guy who's gay to like and would be amazingly lucky to have you!!!" Ron smoked at me getting up to give me a hug.

"Thanks..." I rubbed my neck and felt a little better until I saw Draco in the door looking at me.... shit what did he hear?!?


Authors Note!!!

Please tell me if this is bad this is my first story and I really would like help... if you think it's going to fast or anything I can handle constructive criticism. Please don't be shy I would like to keep this going and will need everyone's help... I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update though because I need wifi and don't have it at home....



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