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→ A new boy has moved next door. I might talk to him today.

→ New boy thinks I'm gay. He wasn't mean about it. He just flat out asked me if I was. I'm going to bed.

→ New boy asked me for pancake mix. My dad brings home a lot of extra stuff, so I gave him an extra box of pancake mix. He left our house without saying goodbye.

→ Good morning, today I might

→ Sorry,I didn't get to say what I was saying. New boy came and took me to his house to show me his pet chinchilla. Weird.

→ I still don't know new boy's name. It's been 5 days. Should I ask him? I'll ask him tomorrow. It's late. Goodnight.

→ He threw rocks at my window. We're getting my window fixed later. I don't want to know his name anymore.

→ New/old boy won't leave me alone. School is starting in 2 days. I will be in 8th grade. I am not leaving the house until then.

→ 1 day until school. My mom asked boy's mother what school he is going to. The high school next to mine. Great.

→ School was okay. I ate lunch at the back of the building. I haven't seen boy for 4 days.

→ 2nd day of school was better. Except I saw boy riding his bike to my school. I ran and hid behind a huge bush covered in flowers. I got stung by a bee. My mom took care of me. Tomorrow is Friday.

→ I left an hour before boy did to go to school. So I went to the gas station and waited for 2 hours.

→ I did the same today, even though it was Saturday. The man who works at the gas station does not care about anything. He gave me a pack of cigarettes and said, "screw my boss". I don't know what to do.

→ Boy went to church today. I had free time to explore my garden while he was gone.

→ Boy caught me after school today. I'm at his house. He told me his name. Jon.

→ Jon does not think I should throw away the cigarettes. I think he's stupid.

→ Jon took me to a bridge I've never been to today. I didn't like it at first, I thought he was going to force me to smoke. He didn't. He threw the pack of cigarettes off the bridge. I feel better.

→ Jon had gotten his driver's license over the summer before he moved next door. His mother bought him a car today.

→ Jon drove me to school today. He took me to McDonald's for breakfast, and now we're on our way to Panera.

→ At Panera yesterday, Jon said he was happy to meet me. Today is Saturday, and Jon is working all day. I am bored. I'm going to take a nap now. Goodbye.

→ Jon went to church. I'm waiting for him to come back so we can go to the store together. He said he would also help me study for my math test on Wednesday.

→ Jon didn't come back after church. He went to see a movie with a girl. He promised me after school he'd take me to the store.

→ Jon dropped me off at the store yesterday, but he didn't go in with me. I pretended that was the plan, to go alone. I left the store after he drove away and walked back to school. I sat at the bush and didn't care if bees stung me. Today I am laying on my bed, angry at Jon.

→ It's Wednesday. I've been ignoring Jon, but he hasn't noticed. I got an F on my math test. I don't want to leave my bed.

→ My mom and Jon's mom went out for coffee after school today. I don't get why they had to go after school, because now Jon has to stay with me because he has no dad and his mother doesn't think it's safe for him to stay home alone. My dad bought us pizza and we watched the football game together. I didn't like it at all. And Jon didn't talk to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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