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About Me:
Hey sweethearts!! My name is Faith Pixie(not really) and this is my first story. I honestly don't know how I am at writing but I'm going to give it a go, just for fun. Some facts about me:

- Cali girl.

- hopeless romantic.

- boy crazy.

-music crazy.

-crazy in general.

- has random mood swings that aren't due to anything but the plain fact that I read too many cliche romance books.

- age is irrelevant :)

- I love random stuff.

- A bit crazy over hot guys heh.

- actually really shy but crazy social on the internet.

- random writer.

- love puns.

- smiles a lot.

So yeah, that's me.


This book will have:

Hot AF guys.

A cliche plot with a few twists.

Some cliffhangers.

Lots of puns.

Adorable relationships.

Heartbreaking problems.

Cuteness overloads.

Obsessive fangirls.

Lots of Love.

Lucky readers.

This book will have a ton of swearing. As in a ton. If you aren't comfortable with that, please don't read this. It will also have some descriptive scenes but YOU WILL BE GIVEN A WARNING BEFORE THE DESCRIPTIVE SCENES DO NOT WORRY but yeah. THERE WILL BE SEX AND ABUSE AND ANOREXIA! Please do not continue reading if not comfortable. I have set the book to all ages so I'll make sure to warn  you guys before a scene not everybody might be comfortable with.


Sure, inspiration, okay. But downright copying my plot? Not OK! I will fucking find your ass and I have friends that will hack the shit out of you and find out who you are. This is a guarantee that I will go crazy and set out on a murder quest. Thank you very much.

Honestly, right now I have no idea. Maybe some of you can help me out in that.

Character Descriptions:

Riana: Dark hair, brown eyes, wavy hair, about 5'6, has a dimple on one side of face, huge glasses that are black, always wears heart pendant necklace, has curves but is still skinny.

Luke: Dirty blond hair(more on dark side), blue green eyes, messy hair, about 6'3, sharp jaw, full lips and wide smile, has a lean body figure but still has muscles, has a six pack.

Melody: Jet black hair, wide eyes, warm smile, 5'2,round glasses, straight hair, bisexual, straight body figure, skinny

Adeline: curly blond hair, blue eyes, model figure, 5'8, has a breathtaking smile, all boys fall for her.

And more characters to come. I'll update this page as more characters enter the story.

So yeah!! That's all for now! Start the story by either swiping or clicking on the next page and enjoy the story! Hope you like it.

Love ya,

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