Arrogent Pup Paul One Shot

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I refuse to live with those people one more day! I a backpack and a purse with stuff I would need till I got to Forks Washington. I sneak out of my window after grabbing a plane ticket.

When I get three blocks from my house I call a taxi. Good by New York. I tell the taxi driver to go to the airport. He seemed like an okay guy so when I reached my destination I left him a nice tip. I don’t have to worry about money yet I cleaned out my savings account, all three of them.

I then load on to the plane. I didn’t feel like running the whole way there. Yes I said running. I’m not what you would call a human. I’m actually a neko. For those people who don’t know what a neko is a cat demon. I don’t count myself as a demon, but I wouldn’t say I was good either. You know what I mean, it one of those things.

I was now boarding the plan to Los Angles. Why there you might ask. I can’t fly to Forks because there isn’t an airport. That and I still want to run some. Well that’s all I’m going to tell you know. I’m going to take a nap

I just crossed the Washington-Oregon border. That’s when I got tackled to the ground. I let out a scream only to get a reply of laughter. I roll over to see my twp best friends. “What are you two doing here?”

“What you thought we would let you run away with out us, Zara?” Lacrimosa said smiling at me. She held out her hand to help me up. Gratefully I take it and she pulls me up on to my feet.

Killian hugged me smiling making me laugh and hug the boy back. These two were nekos like me. I’m only 16, but Lacrimosa and Killian were both 19. “So now that we all are reunited lead the way!”

I smiled at my friends before taking off and running in the direction that I was heading in before I was tackled to the ground. One thing I forgot to explain was that nekos don’t morph into cats like werewolves.

We run for another few hours before we reach Forks. It has been so long since I have been here I forgot how to get to La Push to see my adoptive brother. He was my reasoning to return. I had to rely on my senses to figure out where he was.

“He’s that way!” Killian said pointing towards the beach. I roll my eyes trying to concentrate, but Lacrimosa interrupts me.

“Know he would be that way I hear people talking.” Rim says pointing in the opposite direction as Killian. Great here comes the fight.

I blocked out the fighting the best I could I concentrate on trying to find my brother. I was starting to get annoyed at my friends antics. I didn’t notice the figure behind me approach. “Shut the fuck up you two!”

Killian and Lacrimosa shut up immediately. They start to say something, but I glare at them making them keep there mouths shut. “Okay guys, first of all you have never been here before so don’t give me fucking direction. Second of all you both were wrong because he is that way.”

They both nod then try to say something again. “I said shut it! I’m going to get a migraine from you guys.”

I hear laughter behind me so I swirl around to see who it was. There was a tall buff guy with brown eyes looking down at me. “Who are you?” I ask in a demanding tone.

“Paul, and aren’t you to little to be giving orders to people?” The guy said smirking down at me. I had to bit my lip so I didn’t growl at him

“Aren’t you a little too old to be playing in the wood?” I say before turning away and walking over to Killian and Lacrimosa. “You guys can talk as long as you keep it down and fallow me.”

They listened to me and follow me through the woods. I ignored the newest member to our group. When we reach an opening there was a house I had never seen before.

Arrogent Pup Paul One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now