Part 3 preview~Information

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Okay so it might be confusing but The last part is a preview for the upcoming part 3..

I think I'm deciding that the part 3 preview should be the background story?

Like for example..

After Subaru walks out of the room another day begins..
And something strange happens?
Yume suddenly follows Subaru around the whole school constantly waiting for Subaru to give the necklace?
It could be that Yume is under control?
Or did Yume See Ichigo In Her Dreams?

Who knows..

Just like that-
So it's like if you didn't read the Preview then you don't know what going on

Sometimes I will Make Notes or plans on how Parts will play out so- I post it-
But this time it will be in notes-
So it can be easier for you guys to understand-

Yea- Part 3 preview was pretty hard to understand since I was only writing down what I had in mind I went to far and I made it into a Story Not notes
:v Sorry..

I hope you guys Can Understand-
And thank you for reading~!

I'm never alone. (Yume x Subaru)[Discontinued]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat