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"Get away from me freak!" "You and your demon eyes don't belong here." "Don't hurt me, please!" "Look at the freak with demon eyes!" "You'll die sad and alone you waste of air."

The faceless voices swam around in my head as I grit my teeth and plunged the blade into my wrist. I felt the blood run down my wrist and heard it hit the bathroom floor with a splat. Placing the blade back on the counter after washing it, I slowly searched the cabinet with my hand for bandages. Feeling the material, I grabbed it and set it down, quickly cleaning the cuts then bandaging them.

You see, I cut because I was tormented and forever scarred as a child because of something I couldn't control. I also love my best friend who I'm sure would never feel the same way. Anyway, I was tormented because of my eyes. They change color with my mood and are a natural red when I feel nothing so I cover them up with sunglasses. None of my friends know about them and always think I'm happy go lucky because I hide my true feelings with my smile and laugh, well and my sunglasses also. But did I also mention that I'm blind? Yes, I'm blind and only my best friend knows it. Because of this all my other senses are heightened so I can get around quite well without help.

I bet your wondering who my 'friend' is yes? His, yes his, name is Double or Ryan but no ones calls him by his real name. That's most of the reason I know he wont accept me is because he is straight, he also has a girlfriend Natalie.

I trudged back into my room and lay on my bed. Rolling over I faced my head towards the ceiling. I opened my eyes and sighed. Most people might think blue represents being sad or gloomy but there wrong. My eyes were as black as night right now. How can I tell you ask? My mind just knows it. Sighing again I curled up in my blankets and closed my eyes. My name is Bodil and this my tragic story. I snorted, 'Tragic? I could have much worse.' Oh right, and I talk to myself in my head, as if I wasn't weird enough. Snuggling some more into my covers I tried to fall asleep. After around an hour of laying there I sighed and gave up and turned on my light. 'Might as well do something.' Grabbing my sword I headed to my door. Before I opened it I heard my phone going off. I answered, "Double? You do realize its 1:30 am right?" "So? Your obviously awake, you don't sound groggy at all." "Well what do want then?" "Are you ok? You don't sound as chipper as usual."

I realized I had dropped my giggly personality in favor of a more 'I want to kill myself' tone. Regaining my 'happy' voice I replied, "What? No, I'm fine!" "Well ok. So I wanted to ask if you would take me to the Cops and robbers map with some friends of yours? I really want to try it and it would be nice to play with different people," he asked in a cute voice making me smile a true smile. "Sure but why are you asking at 1:30 am?" I giggled out. "I don't know, I just couldn't sleep so it seemed like a better idea to hear your voice then to stare at my bedroom wall." I blushed at that. Sure he said it was better to do that than to stare at a wall but he still said 'To hear my voice'. "O-ok, I'll get some people and we can play." "Hey, thanks bro." "No problem, see you tomorrow!" "Bye!"

I placed my phone on the table and went back to my room. 'Might as well get some sleep now.' A sudden wave of tiredness hit me as I lay back down and soon I was fast asleep.

(HIATUS) Doudil40 / Doubdil - His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now