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Sing it is a popular singing competition for people of all ages where you can sign up by sending a video of your singing to the three judges for that month. The three judges then partner you up with another singer that they think you would do good with.

You and that singer have a month to practice a song of your choice before performing to the audience live on stage. They have various prizes for the top three winners
Name: Egil Steilsson
Age: 17
Month of performance: December
Family: Lokki Bondevik (2p! Norway), Markell Køhler (2p! Denmark), Thurston Väinämöinen (2p! Finland), and Bernard Oxenstierna (2p! Sweden)
Singing strengths: Low notes, loud singing, holding a note
Weaknesses: Higher notes, quieter singing

Partner: Emil Steilsson
Name: Emil Steilsson
Age: 17
Month of performance: December
Family: Lukas Bondevik, Matthias Køhler, Tino Väinämöinen, and Berwald Oxenstierna
Singing strengths: High notes, quiet singing, holding a note
Singing weaknesses: Low notes, louder singing

Partner: Egil Steilsson
_aph_Iceland *regret but no regrets*

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