I hate him. He Hates me. Aren't arranged marriages a funny thing?

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Part 1


It was about 1 A.M when I finally snuck into the house, curfew was a about an hour ago but my parent's were usually asleep by now. Imagine me Surprise when I turned around to see them both staring at me, arms crossed.

"Uh. I can explain, you see it was just...Oh just punish me please." Oddly enough my parents didn't look mad, they looked...twitchy. Then my Mom burst into tears and ran over to hug me.

"I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry! I'll never stay out again!" She was literally strangling me, I was completely and utterly confused,"Dad! Call off your Goon!"

"Elana darling, I-We have some...news for you." My Dad looked as sorry as I had ever seen him. I was beginning to think this was a dream, most of the time I was punished, not attacked by a sobbing madwoman.

"You know, you could just yell at me or something, I think I'd prefer it." I gestured at my Mom who was still sobbing and clutching at my waist.

"Elana, you're getting married."

*Flashback over*

Right now I was in the car, on my way to my fiancé's house, and I hadn't spoken to either of my parent's for 3 days. What horrible people marry their only child off to a complete stranger??!!

"Honey don't you want to see your new home?" My Dad kept trying to make conversation. I gave him my best death glare. I'm only eighteen for God's sake! There is no way I'm going to get married!

I had to admit, when I saw his house my jaw dropped, it was the biggest house I had ever seen in my life! You could fit like twenty of my houses in there, and I had always thought my house was pretty big.

"Ella Darling, we had to, it was a business deal your Grandpa made." My Dad was the only one who attempted to talk, my Mom was quietly sobbing in the passenger seat.

"Right. Grandpa married me off to a stranger for a Business deal?! Really??!!" I had tried to sound angry, but it came out as whiny. Although my Dad just looked happy I was talking again.

"Baby. It was different in those days." He reached out and patted my hand. I snatched it away and hid behind my red hair, if I was getting married, I was going to make it Hell for them.

We pulled up our battered Jeep to the front door, and three butlers raced to opened the car door. Instead of being wowed I was kind of scared, who was reach to hire these people??

"Dad. I changed my mind, I'm not going in. I'll stay in the car and be a hobo for life." Although, I had to admit our van did smell pretty bad.

"Would the sir allow us to drag the lady in kicking and screaming?" The butler who said it looked about a year older than me with dark hair and eyes. He was chuckling to himself.

"If you attempt to drag me I will kick you in the nuts so hard you'll never have kids!" The butler looked at me in shock, I guess I did look a little crazy, huddled in the car like a hermit.

"Well, then my Lady must apologize to my mother because she is dead-set on having grandkids." I had to chuckle a bit at that, the guy was good.

Eventually I was coaxed inside, I was promised a triple chocolate cake in return and I lacked the strength to resist. Once inside my parent's were lead to the greeting Hall and I was led to my bedroom to "Rest myself" before dinner.

My room was incredible, It had pale pink walls, it's own bathroom, and a giant fluffy bed, personally this was my favorite part. I ran over to my bed, wanting nothing more than to rest. As I closed my eyes I wondered for the millionth time on who my fiancé was. I was scared to find out.

I hate him. He hates me. Aren't arranged marriages a funny thing?Where stories live. Discover now