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@HecticGiraffe64 a user and I wrote this for teenagebookworm_ 'smr writing competiton go check them both out!

Ah, Christmas Eve, a day full of rushing, cooking and family. Or in Chris and co's case, Christmas caroling.

Nothing better than having a bunch of people who probably can't sing, but think they can show up to your house and sing really stupid songs right?

Yep, that was the plan for Chris and his friends. Caroling group consisted of his friends Jack, Maria and his wonderful fiance Amanda.

Oh, Amanda. Golden blonde hair swirled into curls. Stunning crystal blue eyes lit up her face. When she smiled the world suddenly became brighter.

But anyway, they were walking into some really rich neighborhood. Each house was decorated eloquently with beautiful electronic lights covering it from head to toe like a dress of shimmering lights for houses.

Everyone seemed to have a Ferrari or Mercedes, or overall one of those expensive racecars.

Except for one house all the way at the end of the cul-de-sac.

It was dimly lit and there were barely any decorations, Making it stand out easily. It seemed old, unused, your typical antique house. It was still big, sure, but that gave it the old lady look even more.

Though that house looked very odd, it was the only one with lights on and thus the Carolers went straight to this house to share their Christmas cheer.

Suddenly it seemed to get colder and was that.. Sleet?! Just a few minutes ago it had been perfectly fine, now it was almost frozen.

Chris and his friends were almost frozen upon reaching the doorway. But still they pressed the little the tiny doorbell and prepared themselves to sing.

'Ding Dong' chimed the bell as they waited.

It seemed like an eternity but finally the door opened revealing-

A blue woman? Her hair was pink, styled in a bun and her shirt was striped with orange, but overall she was blue.

Maybe she had dyed her skin blue because this was America and you could do what you wanted, maybe she got to close to some radiation. Whatever the case she was blue and very charming.

"Christmas carollers," she exclaimed .She had a rich southern-ish accent " You must be freezing. Come inside dearies."

Chris hesitated, something seemed off about this woman, but the warmth radiating from the doorway lulled him into the blue woman's home.

She gave them an extra blanket to keep them warm, as if she had been expecting them. But Chris put this in the back of his head as he accepted the warm blanket.

"My name's Delores," she said. " And you fine folks are?"

"Amanda," she answered without hesitation

"Jack," he said monotonously.

Maria hesitated but the woman snapped her fingers and a sugar coated aura surrounded her. "Maria!"

"And you mister?" she pointed at Chris.

"C-Chris." Something felt very off about this house. The way Maria suddenly changed. But Chris still ignored it.

"It looks like it going to be snowing all night, very hard, you should stay the night."

They nodded wearily, it was getting late and that snow, it looked like wouldn't be calming for another few hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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