He's My Teacher?

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Sadness comes and goes for most, but sometimes people are stuck with it. I am one of those people that no matter how hard I try and shake it I can't. it doesn't help that I just turned 18 and I am being forced to leave my small town I have lived in my whole life to go live half way across the U.S. I wanted to just drop out and get my GED but my parents insisted I start and finish my senior year in New York. I was shy, so making new friends was hard for me.

I did what most typical teens do when they are lonely and I checked my Tinder the night before my new first day. Soon after I found a man who was 24 and new to the town just like me. His name was Augustus. He asked me to go out for coffee and I knew this was probably going to lead to more but at this point I didn't care. I needed to get my mind off of everything. He of course lived above the coffee shop and after a cup of coffee he invited me up.

Once the door was shut he shoved me up against the wall with passion. Normally I would have been scared but I oddly trusted him. He softly kissed my neck and pulled my legs up wrapping them around him. He tossed me onto the bed and pulled off my pants. he kissed up my thighs and I let out a moan. He was being rough with me but not in a bad way just in a... I need this and I know you need this kind of way. When he pulled down his pants I was very surprised. He wasn't scrawny, he was actually very muscular but he didn't seem like he would be hung like he was. As he thrust  into me I flinched in pain but I soon let go. He was way to big for me to handle but I soon got use to it. He hit my cervix and I jumped hitting my head on the headboard...

"Hey.. Ae you okay?" he said running his fingers through my hair. I guess I hit my head so hard I passed out for  split second. I let out a laugh.

"I'm fine. Just watch what you're doing with that thing."


Last night wasn't my first time but it was definitely the first time I had actually enjoyed sex. It kind of made me feel a little less stressed about my first day of school.

At my new school we only had 3 classes versus the 8 classes I had at my other school. Which basically meant if I hated somebody I has a class with I would be stuck with them a third of my day. I guess they did this schedule for seniors because I only had 3 credits I needed to graduate. But it just seemed like it was going to be a long year. I was wearing a flowered pint shirt, black pants, and a maroon letterman jacket. I did my makeup light to not stand out and I got in my car and drove to the school.

As I sat in the parking lot I contemplated skipping the first day and just going somewhere else but I came to the realization that being the new girl on the first day is easier than being the new girl after the year had started. I took a deep breath In and headed to the front office. I was immediately greeted by a young girl when I opened the door. "Hi, Samantha. I'm Nicole. I'm in your first period and I am here to help you around your first week. Here's your schedule and your locker combination. I'll show you there first. Welcome to Radley High School!"

I smiled at her and took my schedule and combination from he hand. "Thank you for helping me out. You can call me Sam though. Samantha seems so formal." As we walked up to my locker I looked around at all the other lockers. "Do we like get to decorate our lockers or do they just do it anyways?"

"Our school supports and promotes creativity. The walls on the outside of the locker and the inside are a pealable paper that they can remove at the end of the year so no damage is done but you can express yourself in anyway you would like. Mine is the one with the painted flowers right across from here so if you ever need help you can look for me there." A lot of the lockers had the school mascots on them which was the Red Devils so a lot of others were just red and black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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