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'Each goddamn day is just like the other. The weather never changes. Mood never improves. Always, indefinitely, the exact same. Honestly I don't know how I put up with anything these days. Refrain from shooting everyone.

I find myself so angry anymore, I wasn't always like this...things were different back then.'

Tearing out the page, calloused hands ripped it to shreds and threw it away before falling backwards among the bed, digits running over face in frustration. So many things have been bottled up over the years, jar seemed to have been overflowing, cracking. Strange how it held together its shape and hadn't shattered to pieces...yet.

The sound of glass shattering caused the adolescent's body to tense up. Fear had struck, paralyzing entire system as deep memories resurfaced. She was home.

"I need some fresh air," she muttered to herself while standing up and grabbing the beaten up black leather coat while making way towards the window to climb down the ladder. Sound of beeping cars fighting with the nearby train for dominance as scent of rain give a small sense of relief. Ground felt a bit damp, but not nearly wet enough to have seen a drop of the water. Suppose she just made it out before the storm.

Shoving hands within the jacket pockets, head remained low while gaze hung on the worn down sneakers that were once white, now they resembled more of a tan or light brown. Sighing softly, she continued her stride towards the corner market where they held her illegal purchase of Marlboro cigarettes. Flash your tits every now and then for the owner and you could buy anything. Or steal if you let him touch. It wasn't too bad. At least so she thought. He could want more, force something even worse. Course this crossed her mind at some point but there was no real danger, not for her.

Upon arriving she was greeted by that familiar broken ringing, although it was more of a clicking since the old bell was beaten up over the years. When you live in a small town everyone tends to shop for food at the same place. Course it wasn't fresh at all, but it was better than driving for hours at a time just for a gallon of milk. Nirah went straight towards the counter and looked around, scanning for any other bodies within proximity.

Once noting that they were indeed alone the tattooed brunette quickly lifted her shirt revealing chest, features holding a blank expression. In exchange she received two cartons of cigarettes, "Pleasure doing business with you, perv." Taking the boxes, long legs wrapped in ripped black jeans made way outside, to the side of the store. There in the shadows hid a rusted, beaten up 1969 Chevy Camero. Sure no one else noticed but neither did Nirah until one night when getting into her weekly fights with Katalina, the big bitch knocked her ass down.

It was that night, with a busted lip and swollen nose, Nirah saw the beauty in such a mess. From that point on dreams were always filled of the day she would have enough to remodel the car while sitting on the hood. Bring it back to it's glory days. Just two nobodies who found each other...they'd get out of here together.

A hefty sigh emitted from slightly ajar chapped lips while fingers held the tobacco stick in between and lit up the end. "One stick brings you closer to death," she quoted a pastor, that was known around town, with a short scoff, "If only God was that kind."

The feeling of having a smoke automatically calmed all the young brunette's nerves, as if any and all stress simply floated away with each puff that was exhaled. Everybody had their safe spot, somewhere to hide away. This was Nirah's.

A loud crashing caused her body to tense as a sudden flashback occurred within that very second, grabbing her wrist, thumb rubbing over a shallow, circular scar. She was so fucking angry. Sitting up quickly, head was quick to push aside the trauma as there was a time and place for those things. So much for the safe spot...

"Owens, the fuck you doin' here at this time? Y'know goddamn well that if you don't got the money then you ain't allowed when I'm here, bitch," her accent came out strong which usually did when she was pissed.

Loud scoff was pulled from the smaller individual while flicking the lit cigarette towards the other's foot as lips were pulled into a large grin, "Sorry, didn't realize I became one of your other little bitches you boss around and scare them into sleeping with you."

Jaw clenched and knuckles could be heard cracking while a few steps were taken towards the other still seated comfortably among the run down vehicle. With one swing, Katalina knocked Nirah off entirely and leaving her grunting on the ash filled ground, which was followed by a foot being jammed into the provoker's ribs several times. Another was hit was taken before a petite blonde threw herself in between the two ceasing all contact. All that could be heard was the brunette's coughs and groans.

"Enough!" She shouted holding an arm to shield the brunette from the bully, "I think it's time for you to go home, Kat."

Face scrunched up, the bully shook her head and scoffed once more before turning away.

"I had everything under control," Nirah snapped, slapping away the hand that was offered to help her up. When on feet she dusted off her clothing and proceeded to light another cigarette ignoring the pain among her side and jaw. Just more bruises to push through..

The blonde only gave a disapproving look before replying, "Right. I'm sure you curled up in a ball while Katalina kicked you to death was you having 'everything' under control."

Already they were off to a bad start, Nirah especially. Nerves were shot and all she responded with was the finger. Which of course caused the other to laugh softly with a faint shake of the head. Guess she hit a nerve there.

"I'm Jessamae, just moved here a few weeks back. Meet Katalina through school and guess you can say I'm her tutor," she paused as brows furrowed together, "You know, I haven't seen you around. Is everything okay?"

"Rich white girl taking pity on the tattooed minority already? Damn. Doesn't get anymore stereotypical than that, how about you just fuck off, alright?" She snapped pulling the stick to brims, once again, she took a deep breath before taking away her hand as smoke emitted from pierced lips.

A soft scoff left the blonde as she furrowed brows, "You know would it kill you to say, thanks?" Nirah avoided eye contact as jaw tightened which of course caused the pain to worsen. Despite Jessmae being right, Nirah decided to not even acknowledge it considering she hated being wrong, let alone admitting it.

"Yeah, I could've taken on the bitch myself. As usual. So why don't you take your snob ass elsewhere, think there's a cat stuck in a tree or an old person that needs help crossing the street somewhere," she snapped once again while walking away, and brushing past the other.

Jessamae stood in her place with a blank expression for she had never met such a sad person before. Not to mention one who was so keen on pushing others away despite her needing the help. Heaving a deep breath, she folded arms across her chest and walked into the store, grabbing what she went for in the first place.

Nirah held her guard up until she was a safe distance away, allowing shoulders to sink and eyes water. The pain wasn't the problem, but being alone was. Yet it was something she preferred. To avoid getting hurt, or loosing trust in someone.

However this was only the beginning for Jessamae and Nira...

Author's Note

Okay so this has been an idea I've had for a while just tweaked a bit. It was originally suppose to be an AU fanfiction about Elena and Dean. Elena being the troubled, tattooed girl and Dean being the quite popular jock with basically everything.

I am quite proud of giving it more time to develop into these two lovely characters.

The pictures within this chapter are just to give you a general idea of what Nirah and Jessamae look like. Of course being an original idea I didn't want to give the characters a faceclaim. I wanted you, the readers, make a face up for them. But yeah that's the general idea of what they look like. To me at least.

Anyways, I do have more chapters but I want to see how this first one does before posting the rest. Like a test run. So let me know if you want more or if I should work on it some more.

- E

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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