Chapter 12

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"Hey Em," Hannah said into her phone as she sat on her living room couch.

"Hey Han, I wanted to know if you were free to hangout today," Emily asked her friend.

"Yeah, I'm free we have a lot of catching up to do," Hannah said as she stretched out on her couch.

"So do you want me to come over to your house, or do you want to come over here?" Emily said as the sound of a horn filtered through the phone.

"You're already driving so you might as well come over here," Hannah said logically as she stood to her feet.

"Ok, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Ok, bye Em," Hannah said waiting for her to say goodbye before she hung up.

Hannah placed her phone down onto the couch as she stood to her feet. It had been a few days since she'd last seen Sam, as he was busy working long hours at the garage. She stretched her body before heading into her kitchen to find something to snack on. Hannah found a bag of pretzels and ripped it open munching on the salty food.

The door bell ranged and Hannah looked up surprised. She hadn't expected Emily to get there that fast. Hannah placed down the bag of pretzels and hurried to the door.

"That was fast," Hannah said as she swung open the door, before realizing Emily wasn't the person on her doorstep.

"Hey Justin," she greeted her brother happily.

"Is mom here?" Justin asked ignoring her greeting as he stepped into the foyer.

"No," Hannah replied as she pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"Well, when she comes back tell her I need to talk to her," Justin replied as he turned on his heel and left the house.

"Wait, Justin don't you want to come in?" Hannah called out after her brother.

Justin kept walking ignoring her words and stepped inside his car. Hannah sighed as she watched her brother speed off. She had hoped her brother had gotten over her relationship with Sam, but that seemed not to have been the case. Hannah was just about to close the door when Emily's red four-door pulled into her driveway.

She stepped outside and shut the door behind her. Hannah took a seat on the steps leading to her house placing her head into her knees. She listened to Emily's footsteps come up the walkway. Emily plopped down on the step next to Hannah.

"You ok?" Emily questioned her nudging her friend gently.

Hannah let out a sigh as she lifted her head, "Yeah I'm fine."

"You sure, I saw what happened with you and Justin," Emily said wanting to help her friend.

"It's fine Em, I promise so how have things been with you?" Hannah questioned her friend.

"It's been absolutely amazing, I love my life," Emily said smiling with happiness.

"Really? How so?" Hannah asked her friend, wishing her life was just as uncomplicated.

"Jason, is the best boyfriend a girl could ask for," Emily exclaimed giddily.

"Yeah?" Hannah replied forcing herself to fake enthusiasm.

"Yes, he's so sweet whenever we hang out he'll give me little gifts even if it's something as small as a candy bar," Emily told Hannah as she ran a hand through her red hair.

"He sounds amazing," Hannah muttered no longer able to keep up her fake cheer.

Emily turned to her friend her face filled with concern, "Are you sure you're ok?"

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