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 The First time i saw him, i fell in love with him. He looked like a story book prince with golden hair and a muscled body, but his eyes were dark.

I met him as i was working around the house. A mooving van pulled up to the empty house next door. As i peered out i imagened a family with a handsome son just my age who needed someone to show him around. I was a nerd so there wasnt much chance of that. All of a sudden a car pulls up, and out of it climbes an exausted family.  I was supprised to find that i had been right.

I put down waht i was doing and went outside to greet them. They all seemed to be happy to meet me, except for him. I promised to make a batch of brownies and bring them over later, and they thanked me. The rest of the day went in a blur. i couldn't stop thinking about him. Finally i would be able to show everyone at school that I was worthy of their attention. The next day i went by their house to show him to school. We walked to school silently, when we arrived i learned his name. Jace.Finally the end of the school day came and he talked to me.

"Hey lily, do you want to come hang out with me at this place?"

"Sure." I said. "I'd love to." Little did i know i was in for a world of trouble. Once i got home i threw my stuff down, changed, and ran to Jace's house. We left for the club jace had described earlier, when he suddenly pulled me into an alley.I started to get nervous as he pulled me to a door at the end of the alley. I relaxed some when he opened the door and i heard people talking. I noticed how dark the room was as he carefully weaved through the crowds of people.  He offered me a drink and that is the last thing that i remeber.

I woke up in an empty room. All of a sudden a boy walks in. It was Jace!

"listen Lily, if you dont do what i say you will get hurt."

" What's happening Jace!" I cried. "What is this place?" He handed me a ring.

"Wear this Lily. It will protect you." He turns his back to me. "I love you, but nobody can know." I was confused. How could Jace love me? What was going on?

"If you just go along with what they say, they will leave you alone. Then i can save you."

I started to cry harder. "Save me from what Jace?" I asked. He didn't answer me. He walked closer to me, then all of the sudden, he kissed me. It was wonderful and evil all at the same time.  As i kissed him it felt like the planets were exploding around me.

"I love you Lily, but I have to go." He slipped silently from the room, leaving me alone. Just then a large boy around my age walked in.

"Come with me." he grunted. I quickly followed him out of the room. He handed me a pile of clothes.

"Hurry up and put these on." As i changed i thought about what Jace had said. Just then the boy came back over to me. He handed me a bottle.

"Drink this."  he said flatly. The stuff in the bottle made me feel funny, I realized then that they had drugged me. I started to panic.

"Shhh." Said the guy. "It will be okay." For the second time that day, everything went black.

This time i woke up in the woods. A few other girls were there too.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Shhh! They have taken us here to train us." The smallest replied.

"For what?"

"TO be their slaves. when they bring us back we will barely be able to talk. They will kill us if we don't bend to their will, But I have a secret weapon. Instead of letting them torture me, i'm going to kill myself. I stole a razor blade that one of the slaves had. I stared unbelevingly as i prossesed this information. I realized that all the other girls had moved away, and the one girl followed them. I spotted Jace talking to the guy who had drugged me. He then started towards me.

"Come on girl, Were training over there." He shouted. I followed him to a clearing where a pile of rocks stood.

"Lily, why aren't you wearing your ring?" I silently pulled it out of my pocket and slipped it on my finger.

"Okay now go behind those rocks and wait for a sec." I quickly obeyed. No sooner than i walked behind them, they started to fall on me. I was buried under the rocks and blood was covering my face so i couldn't see. I heard a few shouts and then the noises of people trying to pull me out of the rubble.  As i lay there i thought, "This is it. Now im going to die." I wish i had. I finally saw the face of one of the guys.

"Get up!" He shouted roughly. "She is to beat up to stand. Might as well leave her for the animals."

"No." another shouted. "Heal her up and give her to Jace for his girl. He has not had one yet."

"Okay, Jace take har and heal her up, but don't try it just yet, she's still to broken." Someone led me to where a slave girl cleaned me off, and bandaged my wounds. They laid me on a bed and i slept. Jace woke me up the next day.

"Come on Lily, I have to explain your new job to you."

"What Jace? What am i now? A worthless being to torture?"

"I'm sorry Lily, i never ment to get you in this mess, i must get you out of it. THere is only one way to."

"What kill me? Why didn't you just leave me for the wolves!"

"Lily, it does not work like that. They are making you my servant."

"Not much of a change!" I cried. I was so angry i didn't know what i was feeling.

"A servent to one certan need." His voice trailed off.

"What are you going to do, rape me? Go ahead I already want to die!"

"Lily, i dont want to hurt you"

"Im in to much pain already! If you loved me then you would put me out of my misery!"

"Fine, you want to do it the hard way. He grabed me and stabbed a syringe into my arm. As i floated away on the red wave of my pain I wondered what he was gonne do to me.

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