Dark Tales-2-Night of the Psycho Children

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A group of teens were partying in a friend's house.Then one of them saw a book in a box."Hey,what's the Night of the Pyscho Children?"asked Johnny."Oh it's one of my mom's creepy books",said Melissa.The book had a black cover with a few children that had red glowing eyes and sharp teeth with blood.Johnny looked scared at the children.Then Harold opened the book it said who opened the book the psycho children will rise for one night and feast on the bad hearted but the good shall live -Lily Rosewell."I think Lily Rosewell is the author of this book",said Harold.Angela opened the window and saw nothing."Well I see no ''pyscho children'',said Angela.

Then a girl jumped out of nowhere looking like it's about to eat them."Hungry for some teens!", exclaimed the child.They were scared out of their lives.Then they saw a person being eaten by the psycho children."Why did you open that book now everybody is going to die!?" exclaimed Melissa.Angela turned on the TV. News reported children are eating people noone could stop them.Then the children barged in and started to chase the teens.First Melissa was being chased then there was a dead end she screamed and was eaten up whole.Second was Johnny he was trapped in the bathroom he thought he was safe but he was attacked and eaten.Last was Harold he went outside then was eaten by a group of psycho kids.But Anglea survived the night of the psycho children.

                                                             THE END ?   

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2012 ⏰

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