Chapter 1

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Hello. My name is Olivia. I am deeply in love with the Harry Styles. Not Harry Styles, but THE Harry Styles. He's in One Direction, a famous boy band, so of course h would never date me. Right now I'm pouring my orange juice into a glass bowl, thinking about THE Harry Styles. His luscious brown curls. His green eyes. His tattoos. His muscles. His walk. His voice. Oh, his voice. Everything about him is just perfect. I soon realize that I have yet again gotten caught up in the perfect thought that is Harry Styles and the orange juice overflowed. The cold liquid is now all over the floor thanks to Harry. Thanks to Harry. Am I seriously blaming Harry? THE Harry Styles? THE Harry Styles that isn't even aware of my existence? Ugh. This is my life. My hopelessly in love with a 19-year-old sex god life.

After exiting my One Direction induced coma, I hear my fathers' voice. My father has always been a gentleman. His name is Charles. He has black slicked back hair and is always well-dressed in his polo shirts and slacks. His orange goatee contrasts perfectly with his full head of hair. I'd say he has a nicely toned body. Is my dad hot? Yeah. I guess you could say that. Anyway, he called me from the living room, where he was standing by the open door. He said to me, "Olivia, I think you have a visitor", with a huge grin on his wrinkle-free face. I go to the door expecting to see my best friend, Madeline, but instead, I saw someone who I was DEFINITELY not expecting. HARRY FREAKING STYLES! I MUST BE HALLUCINATING!! OMFG!!! Wait.... is he naked? HARRY STYLES IS NAKED ON MY PORCH!!!! wait.. why is my dad permitting this? I try to pinch myself out of this dream but I think it's real life actually. "Come meet the boys", he says seductively. He violently grabs my wrist and yanks me off the porch. It's alright though because it is a naked Harry Styles. We finally arrive in the front of a massive bus. Harry picks me up by my waist and hoists me into the bus. I can't believe this is happening.

I walk into a room that looks like a room, but it's not a room. It's a big room. Then I see the boys. The beautiful beautiful boys. I gaze across the room to see Zayn wearing a cloak. Not just a cloak. A big cloak. I spot Louis next to Zayn.

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