The Crianlarich Hotel: What Goes On ;)

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2012 Special (that is just a little late.. -_-'' and unfinished, but anyhow. I wronte Seth's POV, fellow wattpader and awesomeness express passenger, Shmael, wrote in Lucas'. Enjoy.)


“We’re all going on a-” Austin clapped his hands twice quickly, “Christmas holiday! Therefore, I think that Seth should,” he grinned at me as I glanced at him, shocked. “Cheer up!” At this, my parents, who were sitting in front, whooped, causing me to cringe.

   “I am cheered!” I moaned.

   “Clearly,” my dad laughed.

   “Just don’t do that again, either of you,” I scolded my parents.

   “What? Agree with your home boy?” mum pressed.

   “Oh my God,” I groaned, but I couldn’t help laughing when Austin did as my parents continued spouting youthful phrases and feigning innocence at our reaction.

   Twenty tediously long minutes passed, and Austin was snoring softly (something that made me smile) with his head propped against the window. Every so often it would slip, and he’d start, before falling gently back into his slumber, no doubt dreaming about Katy Perry. My parents had started arguing quietly between themselves about how long was left and what would happen once we got there, assuming I was asleep too. I couldn’t say that did much to help my low mood.

   My mum and dad were taking both myself and my best friend, Austin, to a Scottish ski resort to literally cool off. What had led to this impulsive winter activity was, I’m sure, partly to do with the fact that  Austin had confessed to being gay and having feelings for me. I thought I'd had every reason to be shocked! I admit I acted pretty badly towards him for a moment, but it had caused an argument all the same.

   Of course, my parents weren’t aware of all the details. All they knew was that we’d argued and, although we’d made up, our relationship was a little skewed and wasn’t quite back to normal- I’d used my teenage angst against them and insisted I didn’t want to talk about it. I was so glad when we had eventually kind of made up though, I hadn’t realised that even after we became friends again I’d still feel slightly uncomfortable, and I was pretty sure that Austin noticed whenever I did. I hated that. As soon as we’d both made up my parents had suggested they take us on holiday anyway, to ‘strengthen’ us,  or whatever excuse they gave that was equally ridiculous. Personally, I felt it was because recently their relationship had been pretty strained recently, and they themselves wanted -or needed- to get away.

   I allowed my head to fall more towards the cold window, feeling sleep finally coax me into her arms as my thoughts grew focused on my best friend’s smothered crush on me.



I couldn't see anything. I mean, I could hear everything; the loud radio, the soft sound of the car purring as it made its way to somewhere, but I couldn't see. I sighed for the umpteenth time as I turned to where I thought my boyfriend was sitting and opened my mouth to say something.

   "Mark, could you please tell me where-" I began saying before he cut me off.

   "Lucas, as I've said before, you will have to wait till we get there, okay? It's not that far now, okay?" he replied, making me scowl in the direction he should have been sitting in. He laughed and ruffled my hair and I attempted to glare at him. He knew I hated him doing that!

   "...Fine." I said shortly. I wasn't in a good mood. Just this morning I'd gone into my room to find a suitcase packed for me and when I went downstairs to ask what was going on, I was kidnapped. By my own boyfriend. I smiled evilly as I thought up wonderfully imaginative ways to get payback, so wrapped up in there, that I didn't even realise that the car had stopped. I was still off in payback land when Mark got out of the car and it was only when the door slammed shut was I shook out of my dreamland.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2012 ⏰

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