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its a country right above Indonesia, north west of Australia, south east from Vietnam, south west from Philippines.

Sabah is one of the states in Malaysia.

Kota Kinabalu is the capital city of Sabah. There is a building on top of a hill that houses a freemasons church. About 2-3 kilometers is a hotel named The Palace Hotel. History about the hotel says that the Illuminati members are said to have a meeting.

The freemason church however, is known to be under the radar from the public. it is blocked by a billboard to cover the building.

It is not hidden from google map however.

Here are the coordinates to the church

5.9724251N 116.0735039E

Currently there are 3 districts that are known to have a freemason church

1. Sandakan
2. Beaufort (Bow-fort)
3. Kota Kinabalu

let me know more if you have info on illuminatis & freemasons.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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