chapter 1

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Daire (pov)

The anger was pulsing through me once again, but this time it felt ten times worse as if someone was trying to rip all my internal organs out and if that didn’t cut it-I really wanted to kill. This was the third night this was happening and I couldn’t take it anymore, a single tear trailed down my face and fell on my bathroom floor joining the rapidly forming puddle, all my muscle were aching and I just wanted to die .What was happening to me?

“Daire, are you alright you’ve been in there for quite awhile, are you alright honey.” asked my mother from behind my bathroom door. I was in too much pain to answer so I stayed quite hoping that they got the message and left.

“Daire, daire answer me are you alright.” asked my mother once again only this time she sounded more frantic. I finally found the courage to open my mouth and speak.

“I am alright mom just go away.” my voice sounded rough and forced that only made my mother more frantic, which only made me more angry, which only made me feel more pain. “Argh! This woman’s really pissing me off.” My self-conscience blurted out. That state earned a smile on my pain constructed face.

“Daire darling please open the door so that we can talk about this.” begged my mother. Why on earth was she still bugging me and what the hell was ‘this’ she wanted to talk about? A sudden growl emitted from the back of my throat. Okay I’m officially scared shitless. Wtf is going on with me.

“Mom please go away there’s nothing to talk about honest, nothing words could change.” My voice sound foreign to me as I whispered the last part to myself hoping she’d leave me alone. 

“Daire are you alright darling” asked my father. Oh great now my dad was outside worrying himself. The only options I could see were either: open the door then let my parent see me in pain and worry then send me to hospital then watch my every move then drive me everywhere I go and back Or the other option was to keep the door close and let them worry so they’d send me to hospital then watch my every move then drive me everywhere I go and back.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghh! It hurt so much, more and more tears poured down my face expanding the puddle forming on my bathroom floor. God it hurt so much I just wanted it to stop, please make it stop. Don’t worry we will get through it.

“Daire I am coming in darling.” shouted my father.

Shit he’s going to come in, think fast. I quickly crawled to my bedroom, karma was on my side my door was opened. I crawled inside and closed the door behind me just in time to see the door of my bathroom burst open.

“Just go away ok I am alright just having some problems in school, please just go.” I begged.  

“Honey if you want to talk about it, I mean school and what’s troubling you, your father and I our here for you and believe me we aren’t going anywhere.” stated my mother with a caring/relief tone.

“Ok thanks mom I am just going to go to bed early tonight, to think over stuff goodnight mom and dad.” I answered lying against my door for support; the pain had gone but my muscles were all weak from being tensed.

“Goodnight sweetheart “whispered my father from behind the door before retreating out my bathroom.

‘Believe me we aren’t going anywhere’ that statement kept replaying in my mind and was really bugging me. Luckily as I curled under my covers I was out before my head hit the pillows.

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