A Warm Christmas

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Okay, this one is a new thing for me. For months, I've been writing in first person POV, and now I decided to write in third person. I hope that it turns out well.

This is rushed, but  hope that you'll still enjoy it.

Credits to silverg646 for the cover. And the title. I always suck at titles.

Go on and read!


"Levi! You got another present from your secret admirer~" Hanji welcomed Levi with a large grin, hand waving while holding something from the counter. Ignoring the looks the customers gave his way, Levi walked on, making his way to the counter.

As soon as Hanji was in arm's reach, Levi snatched the rectangular shaped item from Hanji's grip, careful not to damage the perfectly wrapped package. Sliding it into his messenger bag, he glared at them.

"Stop shouting, Hanji. You're disturbing the customers." Without giving them another look, he made his way to the staff room. Removing his coat, he hung it and opened his locker,  placing his bag in it before taking the apron, resisting the urge to open the gift he received for the day.

He went out and headed to the counter, his gaze meeting a grinning Hanji at the counter, their eyes on fire with excitement. They looked at him, wiggling their eyebrows playfully. "So, what's in it?"

"Fuck if I know. Stop asking, will you? You sound more excited than I am." Rolling his eyes, he pushed them away, taking his place in front of the counter. Knowing Hanji, he wouldn't be at peace until a customer went in.

"Why wouldn't I? It's so sweet! It's like he knows you all too well! Haven't you noticed it? Everything they give you is what you exactly love!"

Levi couldn't deny that. For the past two weeks, he's been receiving gifts from the same mysterious person every other day. They never left a note, just something that's related to his hobbies or interests, like the person giving it to him have known him for a very long time. It made him wonder, wonder who would even give someone like him gifts, considering that there's only a few people who know him very well to be able to do that.

He sighed. "I don't know, Shitty Glasses. It may be someone I know for a long time or it's just pure coincidence."

Before Hanji could respond, the bell at the door chimed, catching both of their attention. They turned their gaze to look at who entered and saw Farlan, a good old friend of Levi, waving and smiling at them.

"Hey, Levi, Hanji."

Farlan is a good guy with ash blond hair, striking blue eyes, tall and lean body, and a charming smile. Levi and Farlan were friends since high school and just a few weeks ago, Farlan asked Levi if he could go on a date with him.

He answered no.

It's not that he isn't good. God, he's almost perfect; good at sports, high grades, and a look and personality that make girls and boys alike like him, he's too good, good enough to make him think of why this man likes to be with him.

He couldn't fucking understand why, but that isn't the case. He didn't feel anything those romance books he read always blurt out. Levi's heart doesn't beat fast whenever he's around, doesn't get those butterflies in his stomach, doesn't feel that electricty whenever their hands made accidental contact. In fact he felt nothing, just as plain as he would feel with a normal friend of his.

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