Chapter 1 - A Story's Start

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       ((Illustration by MacandCheese153 ))      ((Mike's POV))

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((Illustration by MacandCheese153 ))
      ((Mike's POV))

      Okay, this is working, right? This thing is recording, right? Okay. I guess I'll start then. Now... Where do I start? Oh, wait, nevermind. I remember now. It started on a Friday... I can't be sure which of the month, or the exact date, but all I remember was that it was on a Friday where it all began. You're probably wondering why I'm even talking to you, aren't you?

      Well, allow me to explain. You're reading this from a dog. That's right, a dog who is also a wolf/husky mix. What, did you expect this to be another one of those typical stories of a knight in shining armor trying to save a princess from peril, or another story with a human as the main protagonist?! My name is Mike, and I've heard stories of Max, a mixed terrier who's got a wannabe girlfriend named Gidget. Heh, they're both quite the duo, and his brother, Duke, is getting along just fine with Max. They've already told me about their owner, Katie, and she seems quite the girl for them. Always so nice, always smiling...

     But now I think I should cut this down to the point of the story. As I have said, I'm Mike, but don't take me as some other wolf/husky mixed canine that you see everyday. I used to have my beloved owner, Jack, who was also my first. But that all changed when his parents forced him to kick me out of the house after my two-day stay with him. He loved me, no matter how dumb I was or how many times I'd mess up. Even if I had an accident, he'd clean up the mess and just help train me to control myself around the house... That is, until I knocked over an expensive vase from the family and was caught by his mother. I still remember the words he spoke to me as he gave me my trench coat, cap, mask, sweater, and his own hacker phone that was kept a secret. He said to me, while petting me and having watery eyes with his loving smile before he'd let me go something I'll never forget.

      "Okay, Mike! I'm so sorry.. I really wish I could keep you, but my parents wouldn't let me. Here's some things I'd like you to keep, and don't you give them away! Hehe! Just promise me something... Okay? Don't forget about me, and promise me to do good onto this city with this phone I'm giving you. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just please take care of yourself... I love you, Mike. Don't you ever forget it... I hate to let you go, but... I don't have a choice. Don't forget about me, please Mike.. I love you."

      And with that, he started to cry... I hate seeing him cry... So I just gave him the last kisses I could, then just laid in his lap for some minutes or so before he let me down and waved to me goodbye. I hate goodbyes, there's always that feeling of just never being able to see them again when I hear them say goodbye. It haunts me just to think about it, so I try not to. I try to believe he's still there, still with me, even though I'm always reminded that he's not. I'm alone, and I can't go back. We can't see each other because of his parents. I even bet that it's my fault that I couldn't see them ever again. Maybe I'm just not enough, or too annoying for them. Then again, could it really be my fault?

       Anyhow, here I am, sitting here in this box in an alleyway during the cold, hard rain, trying to sleep yet can't because I miss him so much. It's also hard to sleep when your entire fur is drenched in cold rain, and you're trying to make use of a worn-out, also soaked cardboard box as your "bed". I miss Jack, his cuddles that he'd have with me, the kisses he'd give to my cheek, the food he'd give me every day to keep me healthy, the water he'd serve every day, the books he'd read me before we went to bed; even the songs he'd sing to me before bed... And I just can't stop thinking about him.

       Hopefully this message gets across and seen by Jack, and then maybe this entire suffering will be over. I'm always picked on and pushed around by other pets, and it's making me just hate myself. Without Jack, I'm nothing. But of course, they don't understand how it feels to be with Jack the way I did, and they make fun of me. Of course, they beat me up sometimes, and I have to just crawl to keep going, but I'm better now. I just have a few scars to deal with. Anyway, Jack, if you can hear me... I miss you.. And I love you. Hope you have a better life than me right now, as of yet, I don't know if this can ever change or get any better, but maybe it'll be alright by tomorrow. I love you, Jack, have a good evening.. I'll never forget you.

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