Let's Make A Deal

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The word "baby" had been thrown around several times after they married, mostly by Mabel. Of course it's not humanly possible for Dipper to conceive but Bill was something else. Dipper decided that, yes, having a child around would be great. Bill on the other hand.

"They cry all the time. Their so needy. They poop constantly. Eventually they start walking and then the real danger is everything and anything."

"Bill you cry for to say about everything. YOU are supper needy and everything and anything is dangerous when you're around."

"Point proven, why do we need a baby? You have me."

Dipper just rolled his eyes.

"Babies are cute."

"You're saying I'm not cute?"

"We're having a baby. And by we're I mean you. Hope our little one is blonde like you."

Dipper walked up to Bill and kissed his forehead.

"You would be a great parent if not the best."


Bill sat outside the Mystery Shack waiting for Dipper's shift to end. He stared into the forest with an ice lolly in his right hand.

"Babies. That sounded awful but Pine Tree wants one. What if he wants more? But babies are cute. Especially Pines babies. His pine tree was adorable... and hot. "


"Let's make a deal Pine Tree."

Dipper raised a brow at that. Since when did they make deals? Why did he want a deal? There is no need for deals anymore. They were married.

"What kind of deal?" He eyed him skeptically.

"I'll give you a baby if you do whatever I want during my pregnancy."

Dipper was too surprised. He just stood there with his mouth open.

"Pine Tree, I know the view is great and all but you have to give me an answer today."

Dipper just ran to him and gave him bear hug.

"YES! YES! We have a deal!"

Dipper laughed genially. He twirled Bill around and then gave him a big kiss.

Bill couldn't help but laugh to.

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