Being a parent.

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Inspired by our beautiful daughter Jordi, who will always be number one in our eyes.

They're doing it again, your daughter says.

With a quivering lower lip.

The teenage bitches are off again,

Prodding and poking to make her flip.

Its hard enough to be a teenager,

Without being different as well.

Why can't they all just treat her nice,

Instead of putting her through hell.

So she uses a wheelchair,

Uses crutches if things are good.

There's a normal teen in front of you,

Why can't you see that as you should?

As parents we feel helpless,

Lost and not able to interfere.

All of these people that you call friend.

Aren't there for you, that is clear.

I wish I could just grab them all

And give them a slap and a shake.

Why can't they see you as you are,

The kindest of people, for heavens sake.

It's not long until it's all over,

And you can wave the losers behind.

Then, attending your new college,

A whole group of friends you will find.

Being a parent.Where stories live. Discover now