Clear Blue Sky

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Catching to see the clear blue sky while strolling in daytime is a wonder-provoking.

No flaws could be seen.
It's a soul from the very beginning.
A day-reliever like no other,
while enjoying without waiting for anything.
No hatred, no pain, no perfect.
And wishing I could freeze time.
For that one moment,
I can see myself happy,
before I succumb into a deep sleep.

Dreaming what could I'd be upon my wake.
Perhaps clouds will be a refuge myself,
where my soul learn to lay rest,
nobody owns but me,
and wonder myself,
how to be me again.
Breathing, life-forcing.
My life's pursuits.
Like no other.

I don't need to demand for your sight up in the sky.
We are wanderers of this core,
who await serendipity.
'Til the clear blue sky wake,
our tomorrow's heaven score.

~a boy who dreams

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