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Trees, grass, rocks, and plants. 

That's all the young girl saw. 

She could detect the faint smell of a fire in the distance.

She didn't hear much; it was nearly dead silent, 

aside from her heavy breathing. 

Sienna was lost, very lost, and was looking for someone to help he find her way. She wasn't sure where she was, but she knew she didn't belong there. An eerie feeling hung over like a mist. She decided to try to follow the smell of the fire; where there was fire there should be people. Hopefully someone there would understand her. 

The blue eyed girl trudged along through the dense forest, using the trees for balance so she didn't trip over any overgrown tree-roots. Eventually, she could hear people talking in the distance. Excitement filled the girl and she walked a bit faster. She was tired, hungry, and her legs hurt. 

She found the cause of the talking; two well-built boys standing in front of a gap between bushes in a way that looks like an entry-way. She stopped and pushed her hair out of her face and behind her ears. Her hair was bleach blonde, but her roots showed a dark brown. She slowly approached the two boys. 

"Stop! By order of Pan!" One of the two boys pointed a long spear in her direction. "Hands above your head. State your name and where you're from!" The other demanded, approaching her. Sienna froze. She wasn't sure how to do as they asked. She slowly raised her hands, then lowered them again. 

Within seconds the spear was pointed to her neck. "Name and where you're from. Now." The first boy growled. Without thinking, Sienna calmly signed her name. They both gave her confused looks. "What the hell?" The second boy scoffed, taking another step towards her. The first boy looked at the second, the second boy nodded then ran off. "This is your last chance to cooperate, otherwise Pan will make you cooperate." The boy scoffed. Great, so the boys didn't know sign language.

 Sienna was different; she was mute ever since she was born

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 Sienna was different; she was mute ever since she was born. By the time she was three and had not spoken a word, her parents paid large sums of money to various doctors to try to discover why she wasn't speaking or how to help her. The final conclusion was that when before Sienna was born, she was exposed to a chemical her mother had eaten, and that had messed up the chemicals in her developing brain. More than likely it was due to her mother drinking alcohol. 

She signed out her name again, then looked up at the boy. She went to private school, so she wasn't very used to being around people who didn't understand sign language without her interpreter. "What the hell are you doing?!" The boy asked, very confused. She sighed, then pointed to herself, shook her finger 'no' then motioned to her mouth. 

"Are you deaf or something?" The boy asked. How stupid. Obviously she wasn't deaf, she could hear the boys perfectly fine. She shook her head. "Well then what's wrong with you? Have you been cursed or something?" The boy questioned again. Again, Sienna shook her head. From behind, she felt an icy cold hand on her neck. Her whole body tensed up and she froze. 

The boy with the spear looked down in respect, which added to Sienna's fear. "Pan," he nodded, moving out of the way. The hand behind her moved down her back. Even over her clothes, she could still feel the coldness of his hand. "Hello, lassie," a British voice cooed in her ear. Chills. Sienna wiggled slightly and moved away from the strange boy. She turned around so she could sign to the boy. 

"What's your name, love?" Though he was more polite than the other two boys, every word he spoke gave her chills."S-I-E-N-N-A" She signed slowly. "Excuse me? Can you understand me?" he asked. She nodded. "Then answer me. Or shall I use force?" He smirked. This boy had light brown fluffy looking hair, bright green eyes, was clad in green and quite well built, and had a cocky smirk carved onto his face. 

Sienna signed "I'm trying" and shook her head. 

(Okayyyyyyy! What do you think?!?!? Will Sienna ever speak?! Will the lost boys ever understand her?! Ha, even I don't know yet! XD ALSOOOOOO shoutout to @/peter.sassy.insidious.pan on |IG| because I liked their name suggestion best!)

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