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Come on everybody sit down
People wanna act like they are in the know
Well I'm here to wipe off your smile
And tell you what's the word around town
I know you don't wanna hear the truth
I know you hate the fact that I actually have the proof
But I just need you to believe
I'm talking the good, the bad, the ugly!

That's the words of Lecrae, one of my favorite gospel pop musicians.

Looking at the world, so many things cross my mind.
I know I have a really talkative brain but hey, what's there not to think about?

The world as part of the universe goes through many phases, but are some really necessary?

What would the world have been without so many trails, disappointments, failures and the unimaginable chaos?

What would the world have been without the atrocities, the unfaithful and the narrow minded?

What would the world have been without the bad, ugly, the mean and the many temptations?

Would it have been like it is in the fairy tales?

Am not really sure!

Doesn't the fairy tales also have scary and wicked characters?

Oh yeah!

They usually have the wicked witch and the fairy god mother turn the reality devil father.

I sometimes wonder how those academy award movies would have been without those bad choices by the heroes.

Would Frozen have been Frozen if that nice little girl with the ability to turn everything into ice had not lost her temper?

You may wonder why there always seem to be a scene for the good girl gone bad.

Can you imagine how the Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, Jane Eyre and all those famous literary books would have ended if the great authors hadn't included the twist and turns?

Hmmmm, Shakespeare, Austen, Sparks, Green, Dickson, McNaught and Co would have just been ordinary!

Those movies and books that make you lose touch with your daily stress and depressions would have been some long wasteful uninteresting articles created to waste the precious time of man.

You wouldn't have been so engrossed in this my, what do I call it?

Critical Dilemmas?

Pffffft Whatever!

So would the world have been.

Our lives would have been too monotonous
Always following the same routines and procedures.

Oh hey!

Where are my fun loving friends?

The explorers and the drifter?

Oh just imagine yourselves waking up every single day doing the same things your whole lives.

I know right?

Our lives would have been very boring.
Always feeling like the world is at a standstill.

Oh I forgot!

The world really would have been at a standstill, you know!

You wouldn't have known what happiness is even when it is staring right at you.

You wouldn't have known how to face problems and smile in the face of trials.

There wouldn't have been any form of learning, any room for mistakes and redeeming yourself, platform for showcasing your talent, experiences and tact.


Can you imagine?

I wouldn't have been able to write this and you wouldn't have known how to read even if by some special magical powers I'm able to publish this.

I know you would have, you're that wonderful.

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Thank you guys for reading.
Don't forget to vote yh?

Love you. XOXO


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