Defiant Pawn

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"Sounds great! I'll call you back in the morning with the results and maybe we can talk over lunch. Fine. Right. Thanks again, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. You too." Hanging up the phone, Alyson Murphy sat back in her chair at her desk with a feeling of satisfaction. Looking at her watch, she found that it was after 5:30. Where had the day gone?

She looked around her office for a few moments, the smile on her face lingering. The corner office, she thought. Actually, it was the smallest office of all the project managers and the building the company occupied was not of great size. All the outer walls contained windows either floor to ceiling or half that. The reception area and the administrative area had a glass roof over most of it, many plants as well as a waterfall and pond just inside the entrance. The architect had obviously known the positive effects of natural light on mood and productivity. Due to the layout of the building, everyone had the best office.

Gathering her things, she made her way through the office, saying goodbye to a couple of co-workers still there and walked out into the parking lot heading for her car. Her mood was light and she felt like doing something. She made a mental note to call her friend Maria when she got home to see if they could get together and go out.

After the short drive home, she trotted up the stairs and down the hallway to her apartment, entering. The moment she closed the door and took a few steps into the kitchen, strong arms grabbed her from behind. She would have screamed but before she could utter a sound, a hand clamped tightly over her mouth and partially covering her nose. Panic rose within her and she began to struggle against who held her, though her efforts to break free proved futile.

As she went still, Alyson felt as if the blood had just left her body. Her vision became foggy around the edges and she felt as if she were dreaming. No please! Her mind screamed, her lungs burning for oxygen as she struggled to breathe, restricted as she was. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut as if warding off what was to come next.

"Not a word," came the course, accented whisper at her left ear. "Not a word and you do not get hurt. I am going to take my hand away if you promise not to scream. Agreed?" he asked.

After her nod, he slowly took his hand away, ready if she tried to make a sound.

"What do you want?" she forced through tight throat and dry lips, the dream-like state dissipating somewhat, the terror, however, remained.

"To talk. Just to talk," he replied, his voice and manner suddenly changing as if this were the average social situation.

"I have a proposition," he began as he came around in front of her.

"You!" the word escaped her lips before she could stop it.

"Ahhh, you remember," he said with some surprise, eyeing her pale face with satisfaction over the control he now wielded. He could feel the adrenalin course through his body making him feel invincible.

The cold gray eyes that seemed to bore into her did not completely detract from his attractive features. His speech, what little she had heard, seemed refined, educated, the accent clearly not American. What could he possible want from her? And how had he found her?

She remembered seeing him about three weeks ago with a man named Harrison James. She had decided to stop at a local bar for a drink. It was not something she did often, but that day had been more stressful than ever. Her boss' secretary had been on one of her power kicks, but that day's had been the power kick from hell. Alyson had always been rather easy-going when working with others and she considered herself to be fair and honest. The confrontation with Helen would not have escalated into the scene it had if Helen did not enjoy the attention or thrive on self-imposed drama so much.

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