Pinpoint To Your Heart

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     Lily stared intently at the clock as she counted down the last ten minutes of her work day. She couldn't wait to get home to see her beautiful girlfriend because not only did she miss the ginger, she couldn't wait to see what the other had planned for the evening considering it was Lily's birthday, and the ginger had left for work early, leaving only a sticky note on the refrigerator telling Lily that there were pancakes in the microwave waiting to be heated up, and that she would be home later in the afternoon.

Mia thought she was slick, thinking that Lily had no clue what she was up to, but the thing was, Lily knew that every year since they've been together, Mia liked to try and throw surprise birthday parties. The first few years of their relationship, it worked, but the years after that, not so much. But because the ginger put so much time and effort into it, Lily continued to act surprised, though she knew that when she got home, her friends and family would be there, hiding and waiting for her arrival.

"Come on," the brunette muttered, slightly glaring at the clock. Only three minutes had ticked away.

The day had gone by extremely slow for the brunette; the only exciting to have happened were the birthday wishes from her coworkers and the small party they had at lunch; which wasn't anything more than some punch and cake, but Lily had enjoyed it. But she wanted to go home, she wanted to see her girlfriend, and her friends and family, to celebrate with them.

Lily tried to busy herself with a little work and forced herself to not look at the clock as the little time that was left ticked away; before she knew it, it was time to go home. She couldn't have been anymore happier, shutting down her computer and packing away her things. Lily left with a smile and wave to her coworkers, thanking them once again for the birthday wishes and small lunch party.

While heading home, Lily couldn't help but feel a little bit of excitement boil up in the pit of her stomach as she tapped her fingers against the steering wheel. Mia usually put so much effort into her surprise parties, making sure each and every decoration was in its correct place, that everything was perfect and ready. Lily knew that her birthday was just as special to Mia, that her girlfriend loved to plan these things, loved getting their friends and family together for holidays and birthdays. Although Lily had gotten used to these parties, would always know about them without having been told, she was still surprised and warmed by the effort each year. Mia truly was the sweetest person, and Lily loved her so much. But that's not to say she wouldn't mind if there wasn't a party, if she walked inside their apartment to only find her girlfriend curled up on her spot on the couch instead of an apartment full of their close friends and family.

Lily arrived to their apartment complex in record time and nearly rushed to get inside. What could she say? She was happy to be home. Her steps were quick as she reached the elevator and rode up to the third floor. There was excitement curling in the pit of her belly as the doors of the elevator opened and she stepped out and headed down the hallway to their apartment door. She couldn't stop the smile from forming on her lips as she unlocked the door and pushed it open.

Once the door opened, Lily felt a small bubble of disappointment. There was nothing; no one jumping to scream, "Surprise!", no balloons or other decorations, there certainly wasn't a pretty girl to greet her as she stepped through the doorway.

"Baby, I'm home," Lily called out, but there was no reply. "Mia?"

The brunette headed to the bedroom first, hoping that maybe Mia had fallen asleep. However, as the door opened, Lily saw no one inside, no Mia curled up beneath the blankets. Lily also checked the bathroom and the spare bedroom, but Mia was in none of those rooms either. Next, Lily looked in the kitchen and frowned when she saw another sticky note laying on top of a plate that was wrapped in tinfoil.

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