What a Life

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Hi. My name is Sophia. And I've been through a lot lately. Most of it is boring. Like moving schools, possibly moving to California, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But I won't talk about that much. I'll talk more about boy problems, friend problems, school problems, ect. Basically, life. I feel like a total loner because I don't no anyone, and I mean anyone who has gone and is going through any of the shit I have gone through. I mean, I was basically a tomboy who played basketball, football, and soccer everyday. (by the way most of my friends were boys)And now I'm stuck at a stupid all girls school! No sports, No boys, long skirts (eww). What life am I living?!? I have no idea how I am going to survive. Plus, do you even know how much I left behind?!? (I will go over what I left behind throughout the book) My life has totally changed. I had a perfect view of my future. Now I don't even know what is going to happen to me! Wish me luck, cause this is going to be a while.

Let's start with who I am. I recently started middle school at a new school. I have an annoying younger sister, A mom that cares a little too much and can accomplish anything, and then there is the closest person to me in my family, my dad. My dad travels every week for like almost five days. He has been working for the same company for 15 years now. He and I used to spend so much time together. But now look at us. It's only occasional that we go to Sunday Miami Dolphins football games together. We used to go almost every week! I miss him all the time but, whatever. 

I'm gonna start by talking about fifth grade cause that's where everything happened. Nothing much happened in fourth grade. I was a nerd, goody-two-shoes, teachers pet, straight A student, the girl that got made of and everybody hated. Ya, that was me. I would come home crying everyday. So let's skip that. 

I walked outside onto the recess yard (the parking lot). I just started walking around having nothing to do cause i hadn't made friends yet. All of a sudden I saw a group of the boys just about to start  a game of basketball. Having nothing to do, I walked over to them and asked if I could play. And of course they had to say yes because I am absolutely fabulous (really because we went to a private catholic school and there was a rule that if someone asked to play they had to let them). They all really didn't want to. I happened to be the only girl that was playing. Since my crush, Connor< was playing I really didn't want to mess up. I actually wasn't that bad. Everyday after that I played with them. And some girls that had started talking to me ended up joining us. I finally made some friends and found something that i love to do.

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"Let's go outside" G. (the nickname I gave one of my new best friends) was saying. I was over at her fabulous condo. we were at the resturant that was across the way. It was amazing. 

"why not." I said

"so whatcha wanna talk about"

"how about Charlieeee (her crush, who I kind of liked a little bit)" I made sure to drag it out so that I was teasing her.

"What about Connorrr" She said imitating me with a grinn.

"I asked you first." I said "so start talking"

"what do you want to know?" 


"He is just so funny and sweet and-"

Irolled my eyes and cut her off "short"

"shut up" she said giving me a glare "size doesn't matter"

I rolled my eyes again and said to comfort her " You know, Connor isn't that tall either"

"great!" she said with a grinn on her face "now let's talk about you"

"oh great"

"so," she said with an evil like smile on her face "how was the last football game?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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