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Sengoku had picked up the snail on his office and an image was sending it to him.

He heard from a speaker. "This is landing unit. There is an executive of Donquixote Family among the dead. His code name: Corazon."

Then his eyes opened wide and felt the pain inside him and he saw in a picture the dead body of the man who was considering as his son. The voice continued talking. "I've sent a picture of him. Could you confirm?"

The man's tears rolled down on the pictute and thought. "Rosinante! Why were you on this island?!" Sengoku was felling empty and sad for losing his beloved 'son' and hang off the snail when the report was over. He took off his glasses and then the snail rang again. He didn't want to picked up, he needed time alone but he knew it could be something very imporant and answered it.

"Sengoku, I'm sorry about Rosinante. He was a great commander and a good person." He heard his old friend's voice. "Thank you, Garp..." Garp was feeling his pain, he knew that, Garp cared for that clumsy and brave commander. Garp took a breathe and told him something which he didn't expect it. "I believe you must learn about this.... First, I thought to give her to someone else but I think she is a member of your family."

Sengoku felt a weird feeling inside him. "What are you talking about?"

"In my arms I am holding a baby girl... it's Rosinante's daughter."


Time skip

Sengoku held in his arms the baby girl. A little healthy and beautiful baby, his heart warmed up by her giggles. "Fang, she is so beautiful." He looked and stroked the girl. After his gaze returned to his friend. "What about her mother?"

"She died in her birth. I don't know a lot about the woman but... Rosinante loved her a lot, her nave was Raven and she was the famous gypsy dancer of Water Seven, Hellfire." Garp told him what he knew about the girl's mother.

He was thoughtful and a little disappointed. "Rosinante never told me but..." His gaze went again to Fang. "I will take care of Fang. It's the less I can do for him and...." His smile became brighter as the baby wrapped her tiny hand around of his finger. "Fang, you can call me Ojīchan. (Grandpa)."

Donquixote FangWhere stories live. Discover now