How it all started

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I have always been a mature person for my age. Ever since I was little my mother had put alot of pressure on me. I started making dinner for my family at eight years old, my parents were not home often and I was usually alone by myself. Anyways I'm not going to start this book off with me being eight theres no fun in that. I am going to start it off with saying, this is not a sob story. I do not want you to feel bad for me or pitty me or whatever the fuck people do when it comes to depression and all that shit. I just want to share my story, to be hurd like everyone on this god dame earth wants.

It started in eight grade I was a normal girl with friends who were the kind of friends that are always in the movies. They were mean but in that bittery sticky sweet way. I guess you could say they reminded me of molasses. I have no idea why they remeind3d me of molasses but they did. Maybe its because when i think of molasses and how slowley it goes down my throat i cringe. But whatever besides the point. I had two friends one was Cassie and the other was Annie. Now I am not saying they are bad people I am saying they fucked quite a bit of my life up though.

Cassie was the smart one she always got good grades most of the teachers liked her, and guys definaltly liked her. She had thin brown hair that was always perfectly straightend, and up in a side poney tail. She was skinny not stick skinny but the healthy kind of skinny that was cute but you werent sure she could pull off a crop top. She had bright hazle eyes that almost looked like caramel. The good kind you dip your apples in not the gross kind that takes forever to chew. Anyways she was beautiful, stunning almost. I knew when we got to high school she would most likely leave me for populars because she was perfect enough to join them.

Annie on the otherhand was not the prettiest or the sharpest girl. She was never liked by the teachers or by guys.  She had dirty blonde hair that was always so greasy. No matter how much she showered her hair was always so greasy and very nasty looking. She had brown eyes to but they werent the captavaity brown that Cassie had they were the kind of brown that were just brown. No sparkle to them no hidden colors, just plain old brown. She was not skinny at all she was quit pudgy you could say no curves still all her baby fat, and she wasn't one of those girls whos chubby and you know that if they lost just a bit of weight they would be really pretty. She wasn't pretty, but I didn't care really. There wasnt much that was special about either one of these girls except that they were my best friend and to me that made them spacial. See one thing about me is I love my friends more then anything. I would do absolutly anything for my friends they come first before me before my family before everything they come first.

The thing was I was desperate for friends and this friend group was an odd mix a very odd mix. I knew they were the kind of slimmy friends that I didnt want nor need but I was desperate. I only had one other friend, Jules who was an amazing friend but we had our own little friend groups in school. Out side of school we were fine, I mean she loved me and everyone knew we were friends but I was not welcome in her friend group which she had had since she was in kindergarden. Anyways I loved Cassie and Annie but I always knew they were bad for me but I didnt have very many options. I guess you could say I was sort of a guys girl, not the slutty kind but the kind who just wanted to play in the dirt and play football. I had an older brother and a tom boy mom and a dad who just raised me that way. I loved football and boys were so much easier to get along with. They could just punch it out insted of bitch and bitch about everything to eachother behind peoples backs. I hate catty people they are evil and mean and I hated getting into fights it just caused drama, but in eigth grade it was no longer acceptable to just be friends with guys because every girl assumed that I just was a slut who wanted to get on every guy. So I did what I had to do to survive my last year and became friends with girls..... Yuck! Worst mistake ever

I guess you could say I didn't care about what people thought of me I've always kind of done my own thing. But something inside every girl screams to be noticed. Something inside us care what people think we care what they say about us, and it starts at different ages for different girls. For me I hate to admit this started the beginning of eighth grade.

"Hey Cassie!" I said the first day. We had started getting close but we defiantly got a lot closer this summer.

She had been gone in Boston for 3 weeks visiting family and just hanging out for the rest of the summer. She had the kind of parents who thought they were way to good for our small town so whenever possible they left for as long as possible. But hey maybe they were to good for the rest of us, who am I to say they weren't.

"Hey Ashton! What's up I missed you I love Boston but it was along time away from you." She smiled happily and sincerely at me as she crossed the blacktop over to the big kid benches that were clamed by the eighth graders ever since we were in first grade.

"Hey I missed you so much! How was Boston, Did you meet any cute guys?" I was curious to know if she had a swarm of guys texting her already.

"It was fine nothing special really same old stuff, same as last year and the years before that, and no guys really I saw some on the beach a few times that interested me but not many. Kind of dull." She always said that but I knew there were probably a couple that interested her.

We walked into class to meet Annie she was putting her books away and getting ready for a long year ahead of her.

"ANNIE!" I yelled, which started her so much that she dropped her books and looked at me with wide eyes and started laughing when she realized it was just me. She was adorable really, the baby kind of cute. She smiled and laughed at me. "You nearly scared the pants out of me!" To that me and Cassie both started cracking up. Annie never swore. It was adorable really I guess she just never did because she had a little brother with downs who would pick up on it and repeat her.

"Calm down you knew it was Ashton no one else would call your name that loud in front of everyone." It was true I was quite a loud mouth when it came to being in public. I didn't care who cares! I am a loud ass bitch and I am proud.

"Yeah well Ashton since your big mouth scared the books from out of my hands come help me clean them up!"

"Fine but I'm not the clumsy one here, wasn't my fault you couldn't hold on to your books. I was just happy to see you."  It was true I was so happy to see them I had seen them both over the summer but not together. Now we were all together and it was fun to have them both with me for once.

School went on as usual we went to our classes met the new teachers met the new kids and took our place as the "top dogs" of the school. It was finally our turn to be the oldest we had waited for 9 long years and wouldn't get this chance for 4 more years. It was safe to say that we were happy and we were expecting one of the greatest years of our life. W e had to make it great, we had to make it count

Thank you to everyone for reading my first chapter! Please tell me if you like it. Leave a comment please! This is my first story and I am new at this, so help me out if you can!!!! Thank you so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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