two old souls

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It was a Friday night and little miss Maya Hart was sitting down in a corner, sipping her beer, at Farkle Minkus' party. Music blasted through the blonde's ears as she rolled her eyes at the couple making out in front of her.

The truth was that the blonde hated parties, she just loved getting free alcohol. She hated all the stupid mistakes and drama it came with. She grew tired of sitting by herself and made her way to find a bathroom.

The blonde squished her way through the crowd of people grinding against one another. She muttered a cuss word under her breath when she was pushed by the crowd. Her eyes shifted around the hallway as she tried to figure out which door was the bathroom. She opened a random door and saw a brunette climbing out of a window.

Maya took another sip of her drink and walked towards the window.

"What the hell are you doing?"

The girl turned to face her and smiled. It wasn't innocent at all, it was full of mischief.

"You seem like you could use some quiet time. Come with me."

She was utterly confused by her, where was she going? Yet for some unknown reason, Maya trusted her. She followed the girl and began to climb out of the window.

The brunette cautiously led Maya up to the roof, revealing a blanket and a couple of beers.

"Why are we up here? I don't even know."

Maya sighed when she heard the mysterious girl let out a small giggle.

"And yet you trusted me."

"Should I trust you?"

"You'll find out, eventually. I'm Riley."

Maya stood quiet, not really sure what to say. She looked at the single streak of pink Riley had in her brunette locks.

"This is the part where you introduce yourself."

"I'm Maya, Maya Hart."

"Well, Miss Hart-"

Riley sat down on the blanket laid out and grabbed two beers, holding one out for Maya.

"-would you join me?"

Maya softly smiled at the intriguing girl, accepting the beer from her hands and sitting down next to her.

"So what do you do up here? I mean- isn't the party down there?"

"It is, but...that's not really my scene. My friend likes to throw parties and since his house isn't very 'party-like' he always has them here."

"This is your house?"

"Yeah. And I don't really like the whole 'pretending to be friends with people you don't know' so I usually just come up here."

"And do what?"

"Think, I guess."

Maya chuckled at her response and took another sip from her drink.

"Are you an old soul?"

"I guess I am. Are you?"


The two girls looked at one another, not saying a word. Maybe it was the moonlight or maybe it was the fact that she was somewhat drunk, Maya asked her something she didn't really like to talk about.

"Have you ever fallen in love?"

It was at that moment, that Riley choked on her beer.

"What do you mean?"

"You know-fall in love. That one person who suddenly makes every day worth living."

Riley's lips were made into a thin line.

"I don't believe in that bullshit."


The brunette rolled her eyes and took a sip of her beer before standing up, still holding onto her bottle.

"I like to stay as far away from 'love' as possible. Happy endings don't exist, yeah that might suck, but life sucks."

"You don't have hope? You don't believe you might fall madly in love with someone?"

Riley looked down at her feet, and took a step closer to Maya.


And with that, Maya took a step closer to Riley.

"You don't think you deserve to feel that kind of love?"

"Honestly, I don't really want to fall in love."


Frustrated, Riley ran a finger through her hair and took a big gulp of beer.

"Just drop the subject, okay? Can we please talk about something else?"

"Yeah, s-sure."

Maya looked down and sighed, slightly bothered by Riley's 'beliefs'.

"Let's just sit here and get drunk, babe."

Riley sat down on the blanket and chugged down her beer. Slightly stunned by Riley's nickname for her, she slowly sat down next to her and took a sip of her drink.

"So you got to Abigail Adams?"

"Unfortunately, yes. You know I've seen you at school before?"

"You have?"

"Yeah. You're always in the art room during lunch. I didn't know you were a little artist."

Riley giggled and softly looked at Maya before getting another beer.

"Yeah. I don't really like telling people about it."

"I don't know why, you're paintings are truly beautiful."

Maya blushed and looked down at the brunette's compliment. She played with her fingers, picking at the dirt beneath her nails. She then felt Riley place her hand below her chin.

The blonde looked up into her eyes and smiled. Riley continued studying the blonde's face, before she removed her hand.

"You really are beautiful, Hart."


"I like you, I think we'll be great friends."

The brunette softly punched her shoulder and took a huge sip from her drink. Maya on the other hand, was too lost in her thoughts. Who would've thought that her going to a party would've led to her meeting the mystery that is Riley Matthews?

That concludes the first chapter of "hypnotic". I really hope you guys will love this book. I know I haven't really been on, I've just been having writer's block but now here I am with a new book! Love you guys!

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