The beginning

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               There's always struggles in life, some are simpler than others and some are more intense than others. And this book that I am now writing is about the types of struggles that I've encountered and have overcame during this short time on this earth. And for you to truly understand who I am and what I've overcome, I have to take you way back to beginning from the day I was born
            It was August 15, the small hand had just reached the twelve on the clock it was the next day, mom had been resting after being in labor. Dad had been holding me in his arms in awestruck wonder that he had become a father. Then there was a knock at the door, it was the doctor and his assistants. The doctor tended to mom and the nurses went to my dad and asked kindly to take me to get cleaned up, my dad was hesitant to say yes but ask to follow them down the hall with me in his arms. When we got to the nursery my dad said be careful for there was a indention on my lower back. Several months earlier my parents had gone to get an ultrasound done, while in doing so the doctor had found a spot more like a whole. And that was where spina bifida was forming  and if I continued to  develop this way It would be most likely I would not walk. Later on they came back for another ultrasound the doctors said to be prepared for the worst but a miracle had happened rather than it to continue to develop the way it was developing, the whole had closed almost as if it were sealed shut. Now most people would say it was just luck or I just beat the odds, but if u were to ask me I would've said it was by the grace of God. Dad sat behind the glass window as they cleaned me up, it was killing him to watch the nurse handle me and him haveing to watch behind a glass window that was separating him from his son

            August 15, 2000 it had been a full year and my first birthday had come, my parents had everything planned out for the most perfect birthday that their newborn baby son could ever have.  The birthday party began, it was my party but I was just born a year ago, so I didn't really have any friends at the time to come over and celebrate it with me. In other words it was mainly full grown adults at this party, but hey, guess who got all the attention though I'm  mean who can resist a newborn baby especially on their  first birthday.
           It now has been a few years later and I've learned how to walk, talk like all other children learn to do at certain time in their life. But something was different about me, while all the other kids would be able to play and have a good time I would have to stop and sit down for I couldn't breathe well. My parents being extremely worried takes me to see a doctor. After a numerous amount of trips to doctors and specialists they then diagnosed me with asthma. I then began to envy the people that I knew due to the fact I couldn't play out in the rain or get hot and sweaty in certain times of the year for I would get sick. Few years later I began to have trouble in getting my school work done. My parents just thought that I was just becoming a lazy child and not wanting to do my work. But I new there was something wrong, I couldn't process simple math and I would begin to cry thinking to myself that I was not smart or capable of doing anything. It was later that I was tested and I was yet again diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia, most people know what the term dyslexic means but majority do not know what dyscalculia  is. It is a disability that hinders me from doing math. To this very day I'm still unable to do simple math in my head, and it takes me twice as long to do it.

            It is now present day. since I have given a little bit of my past of when I was younger you now have a little taste of what you will be enduring throughout this book.  I am now seventeen years old and have came a long way, I have grown in wisdom, faith and in physical traits like puberty itself. Mom and Dad are now older than before, they are getting to the point in time where the begin to slow down. But as for some people they would say that birth is the beginning of  life but as for me my life has just began.





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