Chapter One

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"Elle, all you have to do is tell me where you were!"

I ran my hand through my hair in annoyance. "I don't have to tell you anything!"

"I'm your mother! Of course you have to tell me."

"You lost that right when you started dating him." I snarled, jabbing a finger over at the sofa, where my mum's new boyfriend was sprawled out, a can of beer in his hand.

"You keep him out of it! This has nothing to do with Steve!" My mother yelled back at me, her hands on her hips.

"It has everything to do with him! He's the reason I went out tonight, and you know it."

As though someone had announced free beers, Steve sprung from the sofa, slamming his can down on the coffee table and stalking over to me, his yellow teeth bared.

"Don't you dare talk to your mother like that, you horrible brat!" He shouted, lifting his arm.

Instinctively, I took a step back, holding up my own arms as protection. "You touch me, and I swear to God I will murder you in your sleep."

That was when all hell broke loose.

Steve lunged at me, his hand connecting with my cheek, causing me to hiss in pain. My mother screamed and yelled at him, placing her palms on his chest and attempting to push him back.

However, Steve just gave her a big push, sending her tumbling to the floor. Seeing him push my mother was the last straw for me. I brought my hand back, and with as much force as possible, I slapped his cheek.

The sound it made was quite satisfying.

Everything was silent as we all took in what had just happened. I was stood with my back against the front door, Steve was infront of my mother, holding his reddening cheek. My mum was still on the floor, staring at me in shock.

At least ten seconds passed before ay of us moved.

It was my mum who broke the silence first.


I stared at the woman on the floor, paralysed with shock at the words that had just come out of her mouth. She couldn't seriously be blaming me for what just happened, could she?


It felt as though something inside of me was shattering. Tears were making their way down my cheeks, but I didn't wipe them away.

Instead, I looked my mother in the eyes, giving her the coldest glare I could. "Fine. Choose him over me. I see how it is."

I spun around and yanked the door open, gasping a little at how cold it had gotten since I came home.

I heard my mum call me back, but I didn't turn around as I slammed the door behind me.

As soon as I was down the garden path, I pulled out my phone from my bag and dialled the number I knew by heart.

She picked up after the first ring. "Hey, Nelly. What's up?"

"Pipes, I need you to pick me up. I'll be on the end of my road." I sobbed into the phone, unable to keep my voice steady.

"Oh my gosh, I'll be there in about five minutes!" She said, before hanging up.

I smiled through my tears and walked down my road, hugging my arms to my chest. I could always count on my best friend to be here when I needed her.

Myself and Piper had made the mistake of going out to a party tonight, so I wasn't the most suitably dressed for walking down a cold street in the middle of October at just past eleven at night.

I was only wearing a strappy white dress, and a pair of flat pumps. My hair was down and straight, tickling my arms in the slight breeze.

When I reached the end of my road, I sat down on a small wall and unlocked my phone. It was almost half eleven, so I was grateful that Piper would come back out with her mum to pick me up.

I knew her mum would have come at a moments notice anyway, but I was still extremely thankful. She was proving to be more of a mother than my own was at this point.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mum to pieces, but the fact that she keeps choosing her new boyfriends over me is starting the get to me. I can't keep being her second choice anymore. Now, that may sound really selfish, but I'm not. I just don't want my mum to drift away from me and end up a stranger.

The sound of a car jolted me out of my small daydream (or should I say nightdream?).

I looked up to see my best friend jumping out of the car before it fully stopped, running at me with her arms open. Immediately, I stood up and hugged her, resting my head comfortably on her shoulder.

She stroked my hair and whispered in my ear, "It's okay, Nelly, it's okay."

After a few more seconds, she pulled away and lead me back to the car. When we were in, her mum drove away, heading back to her house.

She too was wearing her dress, and she looked stunning. Her makeup was a little smudged, but her naturally straight hair was styled to perfection, casing down her back.

Though the car ride was silent and I never mentioned what had happened, I has the feeling that Piper and her mum already knew what the matter was.

When we got back to Piper's house, her mum gave me a small smile and I returned it, nodding gratefully at her.

I then followed Piper upstairs, where I changed into a pair of her shorts and a loose T-Shirt. Piper had also changed out of her dress, and was getting herself comfy on her bed.

She patted the matress next to her and I sat down, sighing as I knew what was coming next.

"So, what happened, Nelly?" Piper asked quietly.

"When I came back in from the party, my my was stood at the door. She asked me where I'd been, and I refused to tell her; she only wanted to know so that she could ground me for it. Then, Steve was brought into it, and he slapped me."

Piper gasped and clutched my hand, anger bubbling in her eyes. She hated Steve just as much as I did.

"So, I slapped him back. Well, he pushed my mum to the floor first, and then I slapped him. Then she chose to shout at me, instead of him, so I stormed outta the house. You know the rest." I finished, laying back onto the pillows.

"Jesus Christ. What type of drugs is your mum on?" Piper laughed weakly, still visibly angry at my parents.

"I've been asking myself the same question for the past year." I muttered, switching my phone off so that if my mum tried to call me, I wouldn't have to answer.

"Well, at least you have me and my mum. Mum's always said she'd be more than willing to adopt you. I think she likes you more than she does me anyway, to be fair."

I laughed and nodded, already feeling my eyes drifting shut. At least I had Piper...

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