The Beginning

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I walked into the shabby dim lit apartment exhausted. After a long hectic day filled with one disaster after another all I could think about was collapsing into my bed. I turned on the lift as my favorite little man came bounding in the room. Maverick was an impressive Rottweiler, but in all reality he was a gentle giant. Maverick eagerly jumped up to greet me, exaggeratedly starved of attention even though I knew my roommates gave him ample of that tonight.
       After collecting myself from our reunion I slowly made my way to my room. Trying to be as quiet as
Possible so I don't wake Clara and Will. Clara and will had been my roommates for over a year now. All three of us lived together rather easily. Clara and Will had been dating since we were juniors in high school. They shared one of the two bedrooms in our cramped apartment. Although they didn't necessarily need to live in a place like this, it took a huge financial burden off all of us. I genuinely enjoyed their company although much of the I'm stuck as the third wheel. Maverick always came to save the day in these situations and made me feel loved as ever.
       I opened my door and allowed maverick to enter ahead of me. He quickly jumped up onto my bed and fell asleep in record time. I laid down my backpack on top of a chair filled with unfolded laundry. My room reflected the state of my life, total and utter disarray. I sat down on my bed and began a mental checklist to prepare for tomorrow. I groaned and peeked at the clock 12:15 am. I groaned softly to myself as I thought about the fact that I needed to be up and ready for the day in a little over 6 hours. I had to prep all the things I needed for both class and work and I knew I'd be gone yet again until the same time the next night.
     I hugged maverick and felt guilty that I'd have to leave him. If I could
I'd spend every waking moment with him. I loved him more than anything in the world. He was what little I had left of family.  One of the only people I counted on and knew would loved me unconditionally.
        I wanted to badly to take time off just to spend with him. Work and school were so demanding that I had little free time to even sleep.  Especially with my recent migraines and fainting spells I had no idea what was going on.
   I crawled into bed and called maverick to me. He ran up and layer himself down the length of me. He stared up at me solemnly and I stared back. "I miss them too". I whispered as I drifted off.

A/N - Hey guys I've been on watty for a few years now and I love reading stories so I decided it's time for me to start my own. I know this is kind of a short intro but I'm still outlining what I'd like to happen. I have the next chapter mostly written but I'm not sure if I want to tweak a few things. Let me know what you think and I'll get more up asap 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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