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Dear online journal

Its 10:56am in the morning. I just woke up a few minutes ago. But right now I'm watching the movie Grinch.


Okay I'm just going to cut to the chase... I have my first date in about 4 days and I'm so fucking nervous!! Jessy is my 17 year old boyfriend, we've been together for about a month and a week... if I'm correct. He's so cute, handsome, cool, kind, loving, caring, basically the best boyfriend I've ever had. He treats me fairly and don't rush into things. Nor does he rush me either which is a first for me but I guess being rushed into things by my ex's is rubbing off on me.

Because now I'm 89% more pervy and more....well...I don't know how to put the second one but I guess you can say more in a sexual way!? 0////////0 I don't know how to explain it but that's how much I've changed in the past 2 years. Hehehe.... but in truth I'm still that hyper, loving, kind, caring, loyal, not that smart, big dreamer, somewhat of a stuck up, crazy bitch that everyone knows. LOL yeah but there are a hell lot that I'll try not to put in this journal... but there is just so much I wanna say, write, and/or tell that I might as well ask for 3 more journals like this! (This is wrote in my other journal everything u read is real and really has happened!!) Hahaha! I know I'm a nurd. But writing is my passion like becoming a cartoonist is my dream!

But my 1# dream is to raise a family. To have a family is and ALWAYS WILL BE MY #1 DREAM!! And in a few years if jessy my boyfriend. (not saying he wont) And hopefully after collage id like to start my family... with him

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