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(M33)Triangulum Galaxy

System: the Triple Star System

Year: 2230 A.D.

Time: 0600 EST

Vessel: SS Austin with the Galactic Earth Military (G.E.M)

Status Report: All engines offline, Main guns offline, life support offline,

Back up Torpedoes offline

Vacuum exposure detected in decks 6 7, 9, 13, and 18

1 life signature detected on board.

In the cold light of three blue dwarf stars a massive ship drifted in this distant unfamiliar system spinning lazily. The rays reflected off the unblemished metal of the ship and illuminated the name painted on the top of the, the SS Austin. A dreadnought class ship manned by over eight thousand but was, now, mysteriously empty. Doctor July Coombs ran through the ship in her enviro suit arms pumping, heart pounding, legs burning. She slammed her side into the corner as she cut it close falling to the floor. She scrambled frantically to get back to her feet shooting quick panicked glances over her shoulder. She needed to get to comm room and she needed to warn them, she needed to let them know.

The deck number popped up on her head display, Deck 20, Officers deck. She was almost there she could make it. A loud thud vibrated the hall making July stumble. She threw her an arm out catching herself on the wall. She turned back and fear washed over her, crushing the air out of her lungs. She pushed slowly off the wall eyes fixated at the now darkened hall she had come from. She felt as if her legs were made of jello as she walked back, her slow moving feet stepped on something and an echoing clatter turned her sweat soaked body to ice.

She looked at her feet, they had grabbed people as they had gotten food from the officers mess, dozens of trays and food littered the floor and her foot had kicked some across the floor. A fast movement in July's peripheral made her focus again.

There in the shadows she could see movement, slow deliberate movement. The lights began to wink and with no further prompting she turned around and ran, careful not to slip on the trays. She could her the lights shutting off behind her but she did not dare look behind. Her heads up display flashed brightly in her eyes letting her know she was near her destination. She was going to make it and they knew too. The dark started moving faster right on her heels she could feel their hands reaching for her. There, the door, and with a burst of speed she didn't know she had she pulled ahead and slammed her hand on the scanner and she was through the door, locking behind her and she ran to the comm collapsing against it.

July weakly moved her hands and turned on the computer, its bright purple light washed over her, bathing her in its comforting glow. She spoke softly her lungs barely able to work.

"Computer, divert power to this room, and start the air again."

"All systems diverted, recirculation of air restarted. Is there anything else Doctor Coombs?"

"Bring up the long distance communications, destination Earth, receiver Doctor Armie Vavail."

"Yes Doctor Coombs. This will take a moment, your patience during this time is much appreciated." July nodded tiredly at the computer. She slowly lifted her hand to unlatch and remove her helmet and let it drop to the floor.

Her sweat soaked brown hair fell around her head as she stared down at her clenched fists. She couldn't believe she had been excited for this opportunity, tears dripped onto her hands. She was a fool. She jumped as the computer spoke again.

"Doctor, tissues can be found in the drawer to your left and the comm is prepped and ready for your message." July sniffled pathetically.

"Bring it up."

"Yes Doctor Coombs." With that a red framed window popped up on the screen showing her the room and her exhausted self. She stared dead eyed into the camera taking it all in.

"Record.." a smaller green frame appeared around the red. She had begun to record the message but half way through loud banging and screeching metal sounded at the door, and she turned in wide eyed terror as it began to bend inwards.

"Doctor, someone is attempting to block comm channels." She snapped her head back to the computer.

"Send the damn message."

"But Doctor, you have not finished recording..."

"Just send the damn thing incomplete and do it now. That's an order."

"Yes Doctor, sending now." July turned back to the door and pressed herself tightly against the comm watching as each impact another indent formed in the steel.

"Message sent Doctor, is there anything else I can do for you?" July didn't answer she just slowly sank to the floor and pulled her knees tight against her chest. Tears streamed down her face as she began to rock back and forth. Atleast no one else would have to face them, no one else would have to face her mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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