Little Author's Note

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Author: Katerqueen

Rating: R (There may be some sexual content down the road, it's yet to have been decided, but if you'd like something like that you can comment and let me know.)

Warning: Profanity, and mentions of drugs/alcohol, as well as sex.

Quick Author's Note: There may be a few mistakes here and there, I am my own editor, so I may miss something. Also I may get details mixed up, like things that have to do with dialects and customs. I'm American, but I try my best to make it sound close to British. I can guarantee that I will, in fact, mess up, but I'm only human, never said I was perfect, so please don't hold it against me. If I mess up on something you can politely point it out to me, I won't mind, but please don't go and make a huge deal out of something if it's not a biggie, and doesn't really effect the story. Other than that, I hope you enjoy reading, and I would much appreciate some feedback, it doesn't have to be positive, you could give me some pointers if you'd like, but please don't go bashing me. I wouldn't do it to you, so please don't do it to me. Anyway, read on my lovelies!

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