Chapter One: The Day I Was Craving A Bagel

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So I really wanted a bagel. I didn't know what place to go to. I saw this really expensive famous people bagel place online, and i was like, "oooooooh lets see what this is all about!". I read the reviews and all the prissy people said it was great, so I decided I would go there. I told my mom and she said, and I quote: "eeewwww, prissy people food is gross" but I was all like, "whatever" and went to get a bagel.

A/N: Oh my gawd guys I just found a freaking copy of the original version of "One Time I Ate A Bagel". Its so stupid omg. i remember when it was gonna be a damn humor thing.. If u want to see the whole thing then comment and ill do it. Also, it used to be called: "I Once Ate A Bagel" lolololol omg bye

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