September 03 , 1945

10 1 1

I stumbled over my heavy footsteps, panting heavily. I darted up the hill to get away from the soldiers who were not my kind. Carrying an estimated 15 pound sniper rifle in my hand. The brisk cold air turning my cheeks a flush pink tone. I stumbled and fell to my knees and let out a painful grunt. Gazing over my shoulder, I reminded myself I had to get away. Picking myself off I dig the toe of my boots in to the soft soil and charged off till I felt I was safe.

Gently placing the sniper rifle by my hip, I dip my hands in the frigid water and gently wiped the dry dirt on my face. I cupped another small amount of water in my trembling hands and slowly began to drink it, feeling the relief of my thirst dissolving. I pushed myself off the ground and tiredly walked over the closet tree and rested my body against it. I gently gazed off in the distance, taking in the sights and smells. I closed my eyes slowly and curled my frigid cold and weak body in to a ball and felt warm tears begin to streak down my cheeks.
"please don't give up. "

My eyes shot open hearing the familiar deep rusty voice. I raised my head and gazed around me. I shook my head and sighed "He's dead Norman," I spoke to myself "He's dead. . " Closing my eyes once more. I felt the wind wrap around me slowly.
" wake up norman. "

Opening my eyes, I squinted. I quickly sat up noticing that the sun disappeared and the moon has taken it's place. I rubbed my eyes and let out a sigh. I stood up and carried on my journey of trying to find base. Repeatedly questioning myself on who was talking to me and why were they talking to me.
" norman. "

I thrashed my body to turn around since the voice was speaking behind me. I shook my hell "It's all in your head." I muttered softly and continued.
" norman. "
" turn around. "

I shook my head and clenched my teeth "It's in your head." I huffed and furrowed my brows.
" turn around-"
"Who the fuck are you!" I shouted and turned my body around. Gazing my surrounding. I slowly gazed at the shimmering piece of metal within the ground and tilted my head. Slowly kneeling in front of it. I picked it out the soft soul and brushed it down. The dirty necklace was a simple silver cross. I raised my brows "This is Don's cross?!" I stumbled back on to my feet and looked around me "Don?" I called out in to the quiet night and squinted, not hearing a single voice.
"Ok weird force in my head." I rolled my shoulders "Where do I go?" I question.
"H-Hello?" I raised a brow. "Where did you go!" I shouted and shook my head "Please. Help me." I shuddered and fell to my knee's
I clenched thee cold necklace in my hands and sighed. Gazing at the necklace, I froze. Noticing a carving in it. Point West from where I was kneeling. I nodded and pushed myself off my feet "I came from that way but. Retracing my steps might help." I slowly started to walk the way the arrow was pointing.


I was becoming weak. My shoulders were beginning to feel heavy. I didn't want to continue, But I pushed myself to move on.
"I already walked by the truck." I panted and rolled my shoulders.
A gust of wind pushed my weak body on to the soft dirt "I don't want too move on.."
" a solider dosent drop his head in pain. "

I shook my head "I ain't no solider.. I'm not man.." I coward and clenched the necklace.
" a solider dosent drop his head in pain. "

"Stop saying tha-" I tensed up, a chill ran up my spine slowly, it was a painful sight.
"Fury?" I gulped "Why did you bring me b-ack here." I slowly stood up and gazed at was used to be my home.
I slowly made my way up to the blood and dirt covered tank. I gently placed my hand on the barrel of the cannon and teared up "All my friends are gone because of how weak I was.." I raised my shoulders, my chest beginning to cramp up.
"Because of me.." I left tears roll down my face. I fell on to the tank and began to cry heavily "I'm so sorry!"
"I know why you brought me here!"
"To make me feel guilt in myself, and I do!"
"I never wanted them to die!"

"norman.. "

I raised my head and gasped, now resting on the barrel of the cannon was a familiar jacket.
Staff Sergeant Don's.
I slowly grabbed it and gazed at it "It's still warm.."
"It's still warm?" I squinted and gazed at the tank once more. Since the sun was now rising, I was able to see battle scars in the tanks body. But in closer inspections. Were boot prints, fresh boot prints.
"Don?" I questioned myself and decided to look inside the tank. I slowly opened the creaky hatched and gagged at the wicked smell.
I slowly slid in to the cabin and covered my mouth.
In the tank were the rotting corpses of my friends. But one body, was missing.
"Where did you go?" I climbed out of the tank and gazed around to see if I could find tracks, and I did. I furrowed my brows and gulped "This is why you took me here." I stated and cleared my throat "To find Him."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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