Her Dreams Are Grandeur Than Mine's. Mother Wisdom.

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I am a part of the present day generation
An era of ready access to success made-easy
Amazing, packaged and full proofed success
An era of complete access to how to's
I am of the era of grand gestures
I exist in the realm of real possibilities
However, her dreams are still grandeur

Learn how to outpace a thoroughbred
Become a president in five easy steps
Relocating to Mars, galactic experience
Embracing the black pride, the rise of Africa
Personalised robotic interface
This is the make-up of my world
However, her dreams are still grandeur

Am a part of the solution based age
A portfolio ranging from global warming to UFOs
Within touching distance of the after-life
Tissue and organ transplants abound
Unprecedented zeros in personal bank accounts
Competition at all-time high, record breaking
However, her dreams are still grandeur

I feel small in the face of history; first to concede
Could answers be closer than we think
Did we perhaps leave the real truth behind us
Is the future as promising for our children
Is tomorrow's legacy still safely nestled
Are we still a mould of the past and the present
Is the mighty future still ahead or choking from our dust
All said, her dreams are still grandeur

Owned through mercy Botsotso

Her Dreams Are Grandeur Than Mine's. Mother Wisdom.Where stories live. Discover now